Dìreach mi airson atharrachadh!

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The next couple of weeks just flew by, I was on cloud nine and couldn't be happier. The Denali coven descended, so there was lots of shopping trips planned and locations scouted for future business'. Eleazar just hid in Carlisle's study and pretended it wasn't happening, but he did spend time with Edward, getting to know the new boy he was and gave him advice about having his gift back. Everything was falling into place, the Cullens were now a vampire family and so much happier for it. Everyone had their own outside interests and were less in each other's face all the time.

This saved them having all the tension from boredom like before and gave them new topics to discuss when they were together. The pack was stable and happy, Sam and Jared had also now imprinted. Sam and his imprint Emily, had a near miss when he lost control and phased in front of her slashing her face and arm, but I insisted they let Carlisle help her. Although there will always be scars they are a fraction of the damage that they would have been without vampire medical help. Charlie and Kelly were getting engaged, thus making it official and Rhona was over the moon.

She was a positive force on the reservation as well, helping out with the children and instigating a crèche for any young parents so they could both work to support their families better. She had Kim, Jared's imprint running it in the mornings before school, Emily during the day and herself in the afternoon after school. Alistair and I decided to get away by ourselves for an extended trip, he wanted to take me around the vampire world.

"There's a whole different side to oor world, Lassie, vampires know awe aboot having fun and you're never to auld to learn!" he told me excitedly.

So we set off to discover not only the world but ourselves as well. We saw not just the human wonders this world has to offer but the hidden, unnoticed vampire ones too, hotels in glowing underground grottos, nightclubs on remote islands off the coasts of busy human cities. Ski resorts high up beyond human endeavour, it was here watching the sun setting one evening that Alistair told me

"Tha gaol agam ort, Nighean" for the first time and I was so happy beyond reason, I told him loved him too.

We visited sanctuaries in remote desert locations where artists, musicians, philosophers and writers gathered to debate and discuss openly and freely with not only their own kind but other supernatural beings, this place was where what you were was left at the door, for you to pick up on your way out. We even visited Volterra, Marcus was so happy for me and Alistair, Caius and Aro shook their heads

"Of all people your mate was Alistair, who'd have guessed!" Aro laughed at us happily.

I took Alistair to my Trust and Fund headquarters and showed him the things we'd been able to do for so many over the years, he was so proud of my achievements. It was strange for someone to care so deeply about me and what I did. Being loved and loving in return was a heady thing for me, we been gone for six months and were in Scotland at his home when Alistair proposed to me in his own unique way.

" Now dinna fash yourself and get in a fankle, but I've decided it's time we were getting Merrit! So will you hae me, Lassie?" I smiled at him warmly and gave the only answer I could

"Aye, Laddie, Aye!"

He gave me the loveliest ring, it was a Celtic torq band with two rubies set in the ends, it was perfect for me. Not long after that Rhona called explaining her plan for Charlie and Kelly's wedding and that she and Embry would be getting married then too. So I asked if she could make it a triple wedding to include us as well, she was ecstatic and said that would be wonderful and for me not to worry she'd take care of everything. It was the most idyllic and magical time for us, we made love on every continent, swam naked in every ocean we sailed his yacht across, joined the mile high club on one occasion and acted like lovers should, holding hands, constantly touching and kissing without a care in the world, it was heaven and I couldn't get enough.

I had never spent any major length of time, doing things just for me before and it was liberating. We laughed a lot, loved deeply, learned everything about each other and then learned new things together, I was beyond happy, this was what had been missing from my life for so long and I had never known how wonderful it could be, to be two instead of one. I also enjoyed shopping for weird and wonderful, unusual items where ever we went,

I had never set up a permanent home before and I wanted it to reflect everything about us. Although his home was beautiful it defiantly needed a woman's touch, seven hundred years of being on his own was evident. I sent Alice silks, damasks and lace from around the world, I knew she'd be over the moon with them, it was nice to just be and as our year was coming to a close soon, I was starting to feel sad.

"This is no the end Lassie, it's jist the beginning," he told me as he held me firmly in his arms.

I absolutely loved how he always knew just the right thing to say to me, Alistair was quite reserved around others, but with me, he was relaxed and open, showing his sensitive side without shame or embarrassment. I was so lucky that we just complemented each other in many ways, sometimes we spoke for hours, other times we sat in complete silence not needing words to express our feelings at all.

Dìreach mi airson atharrachadh - Just me for a change (Scots Gaelic)

Tha gaol agam ort, Nighean - I love you, lassie (Scots Gaelic)

oor - our (Scottish) aboot - about (Scottish)

auld - old (Scottish) fash - bother (Scottish)

fankle - mess (Scottish) merrit - married (Scottish)

hae - have (Scottish) Aye - Yes (Scottish)

Laddie - young man or boy (Scottish) jist - just (Scottish)

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