merry Christmas -ch.13

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Christmas day 

There was a light dusting of snow. It looked like little ashes on the grass. It was so light and it felt like magic. I guess that's what Christmas is all about. 

I rolled over and opened my eyes to see my husband still fast asleep. I liked Christmas, growing up my dad worked it. My mom and I would open gifts and go to the station for the day. It was hard enough that my dad had to work it most of the time so it only made sense that we brought the Christmas cheer to him. 

We were lucky because we got this year off. 

Carlos started to wake up  " morning..."

I kissed him " morning Papi!"

He smirked a little " how long have you been awake...?"

I looked at him " not long..."

He looked at me " we gotta get the presents out before Hazel wakes up.."

I looked at him " already taken care of"

He smiled " you're amazing!" 

I looked at him " I try"

He kissed me " come here... there is one more thing I would like for Christmas!"

I smiled and crawled into his big strong arms " I like this part of Christmas..."

Carlos kissed me  and this was all I needed 

We went downstairs drank our coffee 

Hazel woke up and ran down the stairs 

I smiled " morning princess!"

Her whole face lit up " SANTA CAME!"

Carlos smiled " yes he did!"

Hazel got all her dolls and a huge dollhouse. It was magical seeing all these gifts it really just brought me back to my childhood. I'm just happy I have my own family to share this with. 

My dad came over 

Hazel ran into his arms " Grandpa!!!"

He looked at her " merry Christmas sweet girl!"

He brought her a special little firefighter bear 

My dad looked at her " did you get everything you wanted...?"

Hazel smiled " yes except a baby...."

My dad held in his laughter and looked at me " I'll let you handle that one..."

We Make a Pretty Good Family |A Tarlos Original Story |Book #2Where stories live. Discover now