4. Kink 1 (heat) - Horror x Dust

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     Horror and Dust were hanging out in Dust's empty AU. They were talking, and having a good time. As it got later, Horror got hungry. "I'm gonna go grab something to eat. I'll be back up." he said as he stood up. Dust nodded, and Horror headed downstairs. Barely even a minute later, Dust felt his whole body begin to heat up. At first, Dust was confused, but figured after a minute of thinking, that he had gone into heat. He grumbled, knowing that Horror would be back up with food soon. He'd probably be too busy eating to help him out. Dust grumbled, threw himself under the covers of his bed, and put his hand in his shorts. He felt the already hard member that had formed. No matter how much he didn't want to do this while Horror could walk in on him at any second, he knew he had to get rid of it. But before he could even begin, Horror walked into the room. Horror stared at Dust questioningly. Dust gave an awkward smile. "H-hey..." he said. Horror sniffed the air. "Dusty... are you in heat?" Horror asked. "W-what? No..." Dust said. "I can smell it." Horror said, staring at Dust intensely. Horror dropped the protein bar in his hand, and without warning, tore away the covers, and pounced on top of his boyfriend. Horror looked the smaller skeleton up and down, his gaze finally landing on the glowing bulge in Dust's pants. He licked his teeth, and looked back up and Dust. "Thought so." he said. With one quick swipe, he yanked down Dust's shorts. Horror smiled, then proceeded to lick Dust's neck. Dust moaned softly at the touch. "Now summon something I can fuck." Horror whispered seductively into Dust's non-existent ear. Dust nodded, and used all his will to summon a pussy. It was difficult because this was the first time he'd ever summoned something like that. As soon as he had summoned it, Horror went to work licking as many of Dust's bones as he could, attempting to turn him on further, as well as enjoy his boyfriend's flavor. After only a minute of this, Horror reached down, and gently placed two fingers against Dust's slit. It was slick, notifying Horror that he had turned Dust on enough to fuck him without a problem. Dust moaned softly at the sensitive touch. Horror smirked, and pulled down his own shorts. He positioned himself in front of Dust's entrance, and prepared to push inside. He looked down at Dust, who gave him a nod, letting him know to go ahead. Horror pushed in, starting out slow. He didn't want to hurt dust if he went too fast. He gave Dust a moment to adjust to his size before picking up the pace. Soon enough, Horror was slamming into Dust at a quick pace. The skeleton underneath him moaned uncontrollably. Dust figured Papyrus' ghost was probably disgusted by this, but he wasn't there at the moment, so it couldn't be that bad. Within only a couple of minutes, Dust climaxed, cumming all over Horror's dick. Horror pulled out quickly, allowing Dust's orgasm to spill out onto the bed. Both panted heavily, the feeling of pleasure still overwhelming their bodies. "Thanks..." Dust muttered, completely out of breath. "Of course babe." Horror said. Horror took his time to clean up their mess, and finally, curled up beside his boyfriend, and the two cuddled until eventually, they fell asleep.

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