Chapter 4

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"You can come in," McGonagall said. When he walked in he was hugged by Andromeda

"Thank you for bringing my daughter back," Andromeda whispered.

"Of course. Now I told them I would get you and Teddy." She nodded and they left.

"Would you like to hold him?" she asked.

"Me?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"Yes, you. You are his godfather," she explained with a smile.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that. Sure I would love to hold him then," Harry said with a smile. He took him and by then they were at the Great Hall. He took a breath and opened the doors. Andromeda ran to Nymphadora and hugged her as Harry made his way to Remus. He had his back turned to the door when Harry had walked in so he didn't know he was there. "I believe someone wants to see you, Remus," Harry said, a grin evident in his voice. Teddy had transformed his looks so he looks like Remus. He quickly spun around.

Remus gasped along with Lily, James, Sirius, Hermione, and Ron. "I-I have a kid," he said with disbelief. Harry laughed.

"Of course you have a kid, Remus. As soon as you had him you went to find me and tell me I was his godfather," Harry said, still laughing. He gave Teddy to Remus. Teddy started laughing and his hair started changing colors.

"Wait, how does he do that?" James asked. Remus smirked.

"Dora! Come over here please!" Remus yelled.

"Why?" she yelled back.

"I have our kid!" She went over there quickly. "James would like to know how Teddy can change his appearance." She nodded before morphing to look like James.

"I'm a metamorphmagus," she explained before changing back to herself and grabbing Teddy. James simply nodded while looking at her in awe because of what she had just done.

"Now that you have your kid, and you have made up with your brother now, time to do what I want to do," Lily said with a smile.

"And that is?" Harry asked.

"I want to know why your life was so bad." Harry paled.

"Ok, what do you want to start with?"

"The Dursley's," Lily said. "Why was it so bad there?"

"Er- well, your sister and her monster of a husband were not the nicest of people."

"Yes I know that, but what did they do?" Harry hadn't told anyone what he was about to tell his, until today, dead parents.

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