Chapter 9

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This takes place the next day!

 After everyone woke up they went to get breakfast.

"I can't wait to eat real food," Ron groaned.

"What do you mean real food? Didn't you guys eat any meals while you were away?" Ginny asked.

"The only full meals we had were when we were at Bill and Fleur's cottage. Thank you by the way," Harry said. They just nodded. They all went into the great hall and it was miraculously fixed. "How-"

"The school rebuilds itself," Hermione and Lily said at the same time. Hermione blushes while Lily merely smiles.

"Now let's get some real food into you," Lily says skipping ahead while holding James' hand. Everyone looked at them strangely while Sirius, Remus, and Harry just smiled at them.

"They're only a few years older than us technically. They think they're the same age as Fred and George," Harry said. Everyone except the marauders and Lily had their mouths hanging open. "I never told you their age, did I?"

"Nope," Ginny said before pulling Harry to the table and piling on his plate.

"I won't be able to finish all of this."

"Ok, then eat as much as you can," she said, smiling. He nodded and started eating.

"Are we going to continue with the memories today?" James asked. Everyone at the table turned to look at Harry.

"Sure," he shrugged. He had only taken five bites before saying, "I can't eat anymore." Ginny frowned, looked at Ron and Hermione who both had the same amount of food missing, and then nodded. Everyone else finished their breakfast and went back to the headmaster's office.

"We'll start with first year," Harry said and everyone nodded.

(I'm not going to go into detail bc I'm sure you know what happened)

It starts at the train station when he goes up to Mrs.Weasley. Then he gets on the train and Ginny turns bright red when she finds out that Harry heard what she said while everyone else just laughed. Then they watch the sorting. (In memories they can hear what Harry chooses to let them so they won't hear his "thoughts" about Ginny)

"It was going to put you in Slytherin?" Sirius yelped. Everyone turned to look at him. He nodded sheepishly.

"There is nothing wrong with that!" Dora said, defending her mother.

"I know there isn't! If you remember Hagrid told me all evil wizards came from there! I had just learned about the houses! Give 11-year-old me a break," Harry said. They all nodded and looked back at the memories.

~time skip brought to you by yours truly~

Everyone had just come out of the memories and the trio was surrounded by people hugging them.

"If you think that's bad just wait," Harry said. "On another note, I think it's time for lunch!" He said before leaving the office in a hurry. They all came to a silent agreement to let Ginny handle him while they ate. It took a few minutes for her to find him but when she did he was sitting there shaking, staring into space.

"Hey," she said quietly. He looked over to her.

"Hey," he said.

"You okay?"

"Yeah," he lied.

"No you aren't," she said.

"No, I'm not," he agreed. "It's just that they didn't react the best to the easiest year. What will they say when they see me kill that basilisk? And then I'm going to have to see 11 year old you lying there almost dead and I can't do that because-" he was cut off by Ginny kissing him.

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