Chapter 8

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A/N I can't believe this story has over 400 reads! AHHHHHH! I just want to thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoy! Also, this chapter is shorter than the others so I apologize!

"Ok before I start I'm going to say a couple of things ok?" He said and they all nodded nervously. "First thing is that this is all in the past so no one is going to hurt or try to go and hurt anyone, ok?" They all nodded again. "Second thing is that any of the kids or people that know everything that happened are allowed to step out whenever they feel necessary. The third thing is if to give me any looks of pity I swear to Merlin I killed Voldemort I will not hesitate. Got it?" He threatened. They all nodded with looks of fear on their faces. He then pulled out a memory from when he was 7.

In the memory (It's going to be narrated bc I hate writing dialogue)

Harry had just dropped a cup on the floor when Vernon walked in. He then yelled at Harry saying how he's a freak, disappointment, etc. He then calls for Dudley to get a cigarette. He brings it and Vernon lights it before jabbing onto Harry's shoulder until the smell of burning skin becomes too strong. Harry knew better than to cry so his eyes were just scrunched shut. End of memory.

When they all came out of the memory Ginny was gripping Harry's hand while also restraining him from punching his friends who were trying and failing to discreetly look at him with pity.

"I told you not to look at me like that," he said to Ron and Hermione. They both cowered away.

"They really did that to you when you were seven?" Remus whispered. Harry nodded and blinked back tears. In a matter of seconds, there was a pile of people in the middle of the great hall and if you look close enough you can see Harry Potter in the middle of it getting hugged by his best friends and previously dead people. Just then McGonagall walked into the room and looked at them with a face of confusion.

"What is going on here?" she asked with an amused yet confused face. They all got off of him.

"Er- we saw an unpleasant memory," Ron said.

"That bad?"

"He was abused!" Sirius piped up just to be met with a glare from Harry. McGonagall slowly turned to Harry with a look of rage.

"Did Dumbledore know this?" He nodded. All hell broke loose for the second time that day.

"Hey!" Harry yelled, quieting everyone. "It's past my bedtime so I am going to sleep! Goodnight!" He then walks out leaving a group of gaping people and his smirking friends.

"Did the savior of the wizarding world just say it was past his bedtime?" Fred exclaimed.

"You have to understand that we haven't slept in a proper bed since the night before the wedding," Hermione said. Mrs.Weasley, Lily, and Dora turned to face the two who had been away with a look of horror.

"I know this might be the wrong time to mention this but I think Ginny went to bed with Harry," Remus spoke up.

"Eh it's fine it wouldn't be the first time," Ron said casually. Everyone turned to him with disgusted faces. He suddenly turned red. "Not that way! They used to fall asleep in the common room studying together. Merlin!" Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and then they all got the same idea and tiptoed to where Harry was sleeping and sure enough Ginny was snuggled into his side. They all smiled before saying their goodnights and went to their respective sleeping places in the Room of Requirement. 

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