Chapter 10

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Picking up the pieces of a shattered heart is better than having no pieces to pick up at all :(

Flora's Pov

Today I woke up early and guess what...I don't know why

I woke up...did my normal morning routine with aria and left for work

I took the bus to the villa and quickly came down and went into the house

I am still sucking over how he talked to me last night though and I don't know why

I went in to meet Mr Nicholeson in the living room working...Argg

I did not want to see him today though

"Good morning sir" and he looked at me before turning his head back to his laptop

"Bring my coffee now" he said coldly...not even a good morning or a smile

I went into the kitchen and made his coffee and went with it to him

"Look at it sir " and he took it and drank it and suddenly he spitted it out

"What the fuck is this " he yelled and threw the coffee on the floor making it all spill and breaking the glass into pieces and some spilled on me

"S-ir yo-ur cof-fee" "is this how I told you I wanted it...what the hell was that...don't you know how to fucking do anything with your fucking brain "

"Si-r I'm sor-ry " "Don't you fucking tell me sorry and clean this mess up and in the next five minutes bring me a new coffee"

He roughly grabbed his laptop and went upstairs

What is wrong with this man and he has fucking spoiled my mood today

I then started crying before I went into the kitchen to take the mop

I took it and went in the living room to clean the place and so I did...I then went again to the kitchen to make his coffee and so I did

I made his coffee and little bit bitter like his personality and I went with it to his office

"Sir your coffee" "Don't you know how to knock " "I'm sorry sir but the door was slightly open "

"So...just put the coffee down and get out " I then signed before leaving the coffee and I was now going outside

"Miss cole" "yes sir " "I hope this coffee is not a mess like the first on you made "

Did he just call me back just to insult me

"No sir...I made it just like your personality " I didn't say the last part loud though but I'm sure he heard me

"Did you say something " "He asked coldly " "no sir unless you heard something you were not supposed to hear "

I challenged back and he glared at me "Sir can I go now...I have something to do"

"No you can stand here and stare at me" and I glared at him "Well I don't stare at beasts "

"What did you say" he said dangerously low then stood up and started walking towards me

He took a step forward and I took one backwards until I hit the door

And he was now standing close to me with a cold face "Did you say something " He said angrily whiles looking in my eyes

And I cleared my throat "N-o si-r " " are you sure "

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