Chapter 22

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Loving you makes my heart explode with >< happiness☆☆

Flora's Pov

I felt someone drooling on me but I ignored and I felt it again on my face

And I slowly opened my eyes to see a zoomed face of aria on me...her mouth was opened and her eyes widen

"Got ya " and I flipped her over and tickled her...and she laughed so hard and I stopped

I looked at the time to see it was past four in the morning

Wait!!! How did she get in here

"Baby how did you get in here" "I cipped " and I laughed

She was learning to talk

"Okay " And I lay down on the bed with her on my chest and after a while we fell asleep 》》


"Bing bing" my clock alarmed and I got up and looked at aria to see her sleeping peacefully with her hair scattered on the bed

Her mouth was pouted and I laughed before I went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast

I made eggs and bacon with toast and I made her lunch pack before waking her up and bathing her ...

I also showered before we ate breakfast...I called Andrew but he didn't pick up

I waited for him for a while but nothing so I left but there was heavy storm outside so I took my umbrella and we went to take a bus

Thirty minutes later or so we Finally reached the villa and we went in

I went in and saw the lights were on as always but there was no one to be seen

And I saw something like a shadow but as I wanted to put my attention there and find out then

"You're here " and I turned to see Mr Nicholeson already dressed for work

"Yes sir..Good morning sir " "Morning " and I nod before I got inside the kitchen

I prepared breakfast and also his coffee as black as his attitude and have it to him

"You did not change the bandage " o oh

"I totally forgot about my cut "no sir I didn't " and he signed

Like I really don't wanna talk to him rynna but he just keeps bring up topics


""After breakfast come with me so I can change the bandage" "no sir,I can manage "

"I just wanna -" "I know you wanna help but remember I'm nothing to you and i will never mean anything to are my boss and I guess you don't wanna help people who means nothing to you right ?"

I saw something like hurt in his eyes but maybe I was just hallucinating

He was just staring at me "And if you may excuse your employee I have something to do... Jefè"

And I walked out and went into Dana's room to meet her already awake biting her nails

"Well hello here " and she looked at me before her eyes lit up with excitement

"Flooo" and she ran to me "I missed you " "I missed you too" "So now time to bath "

And she giggled before I bathed her and dressed her before pitting her hair into two neat buns

We went downstairs "Daddy Good morning " "Morning " he replied

I can tell he was still angry with her...these two are just cute

He loves her so so much but they are always fighting.....they are just cute

I then went to her ears and whispered "Apologise to daddy okay ..he is angry with you "

And she nod before I gave them some time alone and went ot the kitchen

But I heard them "daddy I'm sorry about yesterday...I'm sorry for playing with that dangerous thing" she said cutely

"It's okay baby..just don't play with that thing again okay " " daddy can I get a kiss" awwwwe

My heart

And I heard him peck her and I'm shamelessly eardropping on them

"Baby today I will come home late so tell rose to stay until I come okay "

"Okay daddy" and they continued eating and that was how the day went like

I prepared lunch and they ate and also aria told me want Mr Nicholeson told her and I pretended as if I was clueless

After somrtime the  cleaner came by to clean but there was something off about her

But maybe I was just hallucinating but anyways we talked and laughed and she ate also

I asked her why she wasn't coming to work and she said that she was sick

I felt sorry for her though but anyways by three in the afternoon she left

And I prepared dinner and Dana and aria was upstairs in her playroom

I'm bored rynna so maybe I should know shake the body a little bit in the kitchen

Thank God...sir won't be here early so I can dance all I want and then i played "Taki Taki"

And I started dancing and after a while I stated tweaking and my hair was free so I was rolling my head round

And I started rolling my waist slowly...slowly and then i started tweaking again

I twerked completely forgetting about my environment...I felt someone behind me but I ignored

And I continued tweaking...biting my lips and I closed my eyes before I felt someone's presence behind me again and this time,I liked at the person and my eyes widen

It was no other than Mr Nicholeson and he was looking at me amazingly and he gulped slowly

This was not the reaction I expected,.he folded his arms and he was leaning by than he door frame

And my heart was beating faster than normal

"S-ir" I was speechless "I th-ouht you will be la-te" "yes change of plans, what we're you doing a moment ago"

Does he have to make this more awkward and embarrassin

"S-ir " "yes...?" "Ummmm I was da-ncing " "you were what " he pretended like he didn't hear

"I was dancing " "Mi rendi duro solo ballando Mia bella" ( You make me hard just by dancing my beautiful  )

What did he just say cause I heard nothing...

"Sir what did you just say " I asked clueless "Nothing...anyways what did you make for dinner "

"Her favourite " and he smiled "That girl " and he then went upstairs

And I prepared the dinning table and packed our things

After a while they came down..Mr Nicholeson looked refreshed and also aria and Dana followed

I tried calling Andrew but to no avail so I left him "sir we will be leaving now "

And he looked at me "bye" and he forced a smile "bye dana" and she also looked at me with sad eyes

"Bye flo" "bye" and I walked out with aria and to see no Andrew so I took the bus home

We did our night routine...and I slept happily...I don't know why but I felt happy inside ☆~☆

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