Chapter 33

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I want all of you ,you and me everyday

Flora's Pov

Today I woke up all giddy and goofy and I guess you know why...just imagine yesterday he hugged me from the back...


Anyways rain is pouring heavily outside and I love the weather...this is my favourite weather

Aria is still asleep...wait what's the time right now and i looked at the time



Anyways I went into the kitchen and prepared breakfast...singing and dancing in the kitchen

Pure happiness

Anyways after making breakfast...I cleared the place and went outside,well it was still dark and the rain is still pouring heavily

Thunderstorm I guess

Everywhere is dark and the wind...oh God

Let's not even talk about that

Anyways I went back inside to meet aria still sleeping.....opps seems like  someone likes the weather

Anyways I then removed my outfit for the day from my closet and I removed know

Not simple..not gorgeous either

In between

You wanna impress someone today also


Oh really....

Anywayss I pushed my thoughts aside and suddenly that mongolese came to mind

I wonder What he's doing right now...maybe he is sleeping

Noo...he will be up by now...maybe he's drinking coffee

Noo...he always drink my coffee

Ok ok flora I think that is enough for now

And i looked at the time...


I woke aria up and bath her before dressing her and I also showered before getting dressed

And my thoughts suddenly wondered off to's been a while though

I miss my bestfriend

And I suddenly called him and after two rings he picked up

"Today is really my lucky day because someone remembered to call me"

"Andrew it is not like that, you know I'm busy "

"Yeah...busy with him "



"You know he's just my boss"

"You can say that to how are you"

"Good about you "

"Same just that work is tiring "

"Yeah I know...sorry "

"Yeah bye for now,..gotta go...I miss and love you dummy "

"I miss and love you too psycho..bye"

And I hung up before eating breakfast and we left to take the bus

By the time we reached the villa...the weather was a little bit calm but the rain was still pouring

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