La vida es harmosa contigo.( Life is beautiful with you )Aiden's Pov
3 weeks later
What the fucking fuck !!!
" Get out of my fucking face and don't come back if you don't have any information about her location "
He was sweating....."S-sir b-but " he stuttered "No buts, Leave !!!" I yelled at him and he left...
I'm going crazy
Three weeks
Three fucking weeks without them...
Three weeks with her....without my daughter...without my babygirl
I'm fucking going crazy without them.....
I still remember when I came home from work that night....I was not on time just because of that fucking look...
I'm finally home...I can't wait to see my family
Wait what family...
Anyways i came down from my car and as I was going inside...I saw someone moving so I went there ...
And I saw a guard laying down with blood coming out of his mouth and i saw rushed there
"What is wrong" I asked calmy but I was freaking out inside....
"They t-ook t-ook t-hem " I looked at him confused before it clicked..
Oh my Goddd!!!!!
I quickly pulled my phone outside and called for all my men and they all came before i left him in their hands and i ran upstairs
"B-abygirl,d-ana," But no answer and I called again whiles running upstairs but nothing
And I heard someone crying...
And I quickly went inside the room to see aria tied up but her mouth was not covered and she was crying bitterly
And I quickly went there and untied her and I carried her.."shhh will be alright "
Who the fuck would do this to a child..,,
And I saw something like a paper on the floor close to where she was sitting and it was written with ....wait what
And I read it
"Since you don't want to give us what we want...the people you love will suffer...this is just a warning....don't even think about calling the police or else the people you love will die one after the other...Or just give us want we want...the next warning will be maybe Aria's head or even the love of your life think fast Aiden....Tsk Tsk..."

The Cook ✅
Romance☆~☆ Aiden Jason Nicholeson A multi billionare in new York...he has everything ,the looks,he is extremely rich,he is cold and doesn't show his feelings to anyone except his daughter "Dana Nicholeson ", life has made him go through things that he ne...