Flora's Pov
*Bing bing** my idoit phone alarmed and that was when I even positioned my self properly on the bed
*Bing bing* it alarmed again and I slowly opened my eyes to watch time
And it stated 7:30...it took a second before it registered on my mind
What!!!!? 7:30...im freaking late for work
And I jumped out of bed to land on the floor "oww"...i ran into the kitchen to make breakfast
I quickly fried scotch eggs and juice for both aria and I to eat...then I made her lunch pack for the day
I quickly ran into the bedroom to wake aria and she was already wide awake
I quickly bath and fed her then I dressed her before I showed and got dressed then left
I went out and then i realized I missed the bus...great just great
I waited for some time before I got a taxi to go to the villa.....after half an hour I reached
And due to traffic it added to my lateness....today I don't know how Mr Grumpy will be like
I will take his wrath because I caused it and finally I got into the house
To meet it empty..nobody was there chatting...I did not see dana nor Mr Nicholeson
What have I gotten myself into then I quickly went into Dana's room to meet it empty...I checked her other rooms...nothing
Then I got downstairs...I waited for some time before I heard footsteps before Mr Nicholeson came into view
He was so furious and angry...I can clearly see it in his face..I then shivered
"Good morning sir " he didn't even answer me and he went upstairs
After some time he came downstairs "Sir-" "I don't wanna hear a word"
He said angrily and I gulped "Today is what day" "Thursday sir" I said cluelessly
He then folded his arms making his muscles bulged out more in his blue shirt and he gave me a pointed look
Then it clicked...fuck today is dana preschool day...she has already went to school
"Sir I'm sorry...I overslept " "I hate laziness...today She was nearly late because of your stupidness...don't you fucking use your brain"
He half yelled "I'm sorry sir" "keep it to yourself and next time you do this don't you ever step your foot in this house....am I clear " he said in a thunderous voice
"Ye-s si-r" I stuttered and he glared at me before walking off...another one again
I cried myself out and this is my second time crying because of him
I'm just tired...my self is a mess...why does anytime something good happen to me...I always mess it up
Whhhyy dude whyy mee and I cried eyes heart out....nothing works out for me
Mummy is in the hospital...daddy is dead.....whyyyy me...Mr Nicholeson always shouts at me...whyyyy
I cried myself out and when aria saw me crying she also started crying so I stopped
My face is puffy and red from crying but what can I do just continue to work
I then proceeded into the kitchen to make lunch for dana and so I did ☆~☆

The Cook ✅
Romance☆~☆ Aiden Jason Nicholeson A multi billionare in new York...he has everything ,the looks,he is extremely rich,he is cold and doesn't show his feelings to anyone except his daughter "Dana Nicholeson ", life has made him go through things that he ne...