The Bus Ride (fluff)

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A/N - All of the one-shots I'm writing are before covid, I may right one or two about the beginning of the pandemic, but I'm not sure. Anyway- ENJOY

It's early in the morning and you were waiting for the bus like always. You haven't had the best morning so people were the last thing you wanted to deal with. You weren't really big on social places. You hopped on the bus thinking it would the normal regulars who you have gotten quite fond of. 

There was Mrs. Frank and Mr. Frank. They were an old couple who lived in the city of your job. Your job was quite far due to it being the only job close to your apartment and in your field of expertise. They were one every morning to go to the small cafe they met at. Their love story is one you are very familiar with since they tell people on the bus all the time. Their always ask how you are and keep in contact with you on life events. Due to living in a different city from your close family it is nice having them around a lot, kind of like parental figures. 

The next regular is Nome. Now Nome is an interesting fellow. He is around in his early 20's possibly late teens. He is in your apartment complex so he comes over quite often for dinners or even hangouts. He is your best friend at the current moment all because you and him stole each others laundry baskets by accident. Nome and you are very opposite of each other. He is more the flirty, outgoing type. While you are more kept to yourself and quiet. Considering being polar opposites, you and him get along just fine. When you and him hangout there isn't a care in the world and you guys can be yourselves. 

The last regular is someone you don't know all that well. He sits in the middle of the bus and always wears headphones. You have never had the confidence to ask him his name, and you don't plan to. From what Mrs. Frank has told you he is quite the handful. Despite his blonde locks and golden brown eyes giving him the soft guy look, he is very rude. She said she has heard him bad mouthing anyone who tries to talk to him. He isn't the people person even if it is someone who rides with him. Nome has tried to get his name and tried to talk to him, but the mysterious guy ignores him or tells him to mind his own business. 

He scares you no doubt, but there is something that makes him seem hurt. You haven't made eye contact with him a lot, but on the rare times you do you see the hurt, pain, and just overall sadness in them. 

With today being the way it is you didn't want a lot of people on the bus, but no doubt the bus was packed. Person to person, some standing, some on the floor, but there was one spot free. Him. Of all people, HIS seat was the last free one. You weren't quite sure why, but seeing the little kids picking their noses on the floor, old people sitting in the front seats, and weird pervs standing behind women staring where they shouldn't (people piss me off), his seat seemed like heaven. 

Nome was in the seat behind the mysterious man and gave you the eye of, "don't do it," but you did. You sat down next to the man keeping your eyes on your lap not wanting to talk to him, or anyone for that matter. 

"May I sit?" you stated before he looked at you. You looked at him and started to panic. It wasn't too bad, but enough for him to notice. He looked at you as well and a light pink blush danced across his cheeks. 

"Hi.." you said in almost a whisper. He stiffened up at the sound of your voice and cracked a small smile, but once he noticed it he shook his head and looked back at the window. 

"Sure...hello Y/N" he said calmly, looking out the window. You gasped a little not expecting him to know your name. Your eyes widened while sitting down, and looking at your lap as fast as a blink. He looked to the front of the bus and took off his headset. He turned towards you a little bit and you looked at him in confusion. 

"You know the first time I saw you on the bus I secretly hoped you sat next to me," he said in a small whisper only enough for you to hear. "you had seemed so happy and NOT annoying compared to most people," he said with an eye roll. You chuckled a little which made his small smile, smirk appear again. "I know today you most likely only sat next to me because it was packed, but if you don't mind I would like to sit with you more often," you continued to stare at him with a sincere look, but also confused do to the sudden encounter after a long time of silence. "I would like that too," you stated happily with a big closed eyed grin. His face was now beat red and he chuckled shakily. "Great, also it's Kei, Kei Tsukishima." 

His name. You weren't sure what about it made you feel so light and fluffy on the inside but you liked it. You light up and smiled even larger, if that was possible. 

"Y/N, Y-Y/N L-L/N." you said while stuttering due to shock. He nodded and put his headset back on. You fiddled with your hands. After 10 minutes your stop arrived, you grabbed a hold on your bag and stood up. When you did you felt someone tap your arm and you looked over to see Kei waving bye with a small smile. You politely waved back, and with that you started to walk off the bus waving to Mr. and Mrs. Frank wishing them a good day. 

A/N - I may continue with this one because I really enjoy it 

(1035 words) (idk why people do this but oh well)

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