Bus Ride (Part Two) (Fluff)

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You finally finished up your work for the day after doing so much for your job. Your hands ached and back begged to be massaged even though you knew that would never end up happening. You packed whatever up you needed to get home and you walked outside. The fresh air hitting you like a brick wall, but make the brick wall gentle and soft and smell like heaven. The city was always a blessing in your eyes. It may be busy and crowded at times, but moments like this where the world is at a freezing point and it is quiet. You walked your way to the bus stop as you check the time to make sure it isn't too late and you don't have to walk home. Thankfully unlike your chaotic morning your night was going pretty well for you, and you weren't late. Actually you were a little bit earlier which cheered you up even more knowing you will get home earlier then originally planned. 

After a few minutes of waiting watching cars drive by in a rush to get home from work late and back to their beloved beds, the bus had come to a screeching stop in front of you. You walk up to the door with a confident smile and handed the bus driver money and proceed to the seats. Politely greeting Mrs. and Mr. Frank as you walk back to your usual seat across from Nome (reminder that's your bestie.) You realize that Nome isn't on the bus today, but however there is someone else on the bus. Tsukishima. You see him sitting by himself no others around him listening to music, but slightly staring at you and the window at once. You notice his quick glances and decide to sit next to him. You hesitate before sitting across from him, but you do so anyways hoping he would spark a conversation to ease the tension. 

"Hey Y/N," Tsuki finally says with a soft smile. It is odd to you to see the soft expression in his eyes due to him being pushed off and standoff-ish to others. You send him a bright smile and nod, "Hello Kei, how was your day?" You figured usual banter would help ease the conversation into a good direction. "It was fine, I had to deal with some idiots at volleyball practice, but besides that nothing out of the normal, and you?" He seemed to be more relaxed as you continued to talk about your day, what you are doing tonight, and then came your plans for the weekend. 

"Are you doing anything Saturday?" Kei asks with a small smile that he just can't seem to make leave.  "No actually, I usually spend Saturdays alone or with my best friend, but this weekend I'm free," you had been wanting to go check out this new cafe in town this weekend with Nome, but due to some friend of his moving he was helping them pack and move. "Would you like to hangout with me this Saturday then?" Kei seemed to have this glimmer of hope in his eyes and yet he seemed so nervous all at once. 

"Of course, I'd love to," you said without any hesitation. 

A/N - HEY GUYS!! SO I started my freshman year of highschool a week or two-ish ago so things have been kinda crazy for me, but I forgot I had this draft and decided to finish it up! I hope you guys enjoy this part two, and let me know if you guys like it!! BYE BYEEE!!!!

(598 Words)

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