Ageregression <3

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Hey!! I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long I have been busy with a Florida trip, family stuff, and I also graduated 8th grade recently so that was fun. I just wanted to make a quick reminder for those of you who aren't aware, age regression is not a kink or anything sexual. I personally age regress when I get really stressed out cause I have really bad anxiety and sometimes the anxiety leads to more issues, needless to say I''m a mess and it helps. For those of who who aren't aware of what age regression is here is basically a summary of it. (down below) Anywho I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I may do more regressed tsuki because it seems like something helpful for him. Also this will not be a Hawk chapter it will be tsukiyama because trying to do Hawk and people having different caregiver styles for my brains sake it is just easier to do with a person I already know if that makes sense? ANYWAYS IM RAMBLING IM SORRY ENJOY-

Age regression occurs when you mentally retreat to an earlier age. In all ways, you believe you're back at that point in your life, and you may exhibit childish behaviors, too. Some people choose to revert to a younger age. In this case, it can be a coping mechanism to help them relax and eliminate stress.


Little : Tsuki (Age range : 2-5)

Caregiver : Yamaguchi 


Tsuki didn't mean for this to happen. He wasn't expecting Yams to arrive. He was suppposed to be home ALONE all day. Now here he is in a dino onesie, dino pacifier, crying, and trying to push Tadashi outside. He just wanted to regress on his one day off with no one there, and now he is scared of losing his best friend so he pushes him out. 

"GO W-WAYYY!!! YOU NEED TO LWEAVE NO NO N-NOOOO!!" Tsuki screams and cries as he gives up on pushing the stubborn Yams and plops to the floor on his bottom head down sobbing. "Tsuki hey buddy it's okay, breathe little one you're okay I promise. I'm not mad or leaving you are too little to be alone right now hun," Tadashi rubs the little's chest to try and calm him down. Yams is well aware of Tsuki regressing and has wanted to ask him about it but could never find the right time. He honestly just came over to hangout with Kei because he had nothing else to do. Instead the moment he opened the door he was greeted with screams and cries from the little. 

"Y-you don't fink I is weird?" Tsuki asks after his sobs turned to sniffles. Looking up at Yams with red puffy eyes, a stuffy nose, and a hopeful glint in his eyes. "No bubs I don't think you are weird, it helps you right?" Yams asks him in a calm, soothing tone. Tsuki simply nods and crawls a little close to Tadashi trying to cuddle without asking. 

Yams picks up on what the little is doing and asks a question Tsuki never thought he would ever receive, "Can I be your caregiver Tsuki?" Tsuki sits there stunned, obviously knowing what this means he jumps into Tadashi's hold and hugs him frantically nodding his head yes. Yams simply chuckled and stood up picking up the little boy with him. Tsuki wasn't all that heavy due to him being built like a stick and nothing to him, so Yams didn't have too much trouble (even thought he wouldn't have trouble no matter what.) Yams carried Tsuki to the couch and sat him down and wrapped him in a blanket. Yams turned on How to Train Your Dragon for Tsuki and went off to get things. 

Tsuki was at first confused as to why he was now alone, but didn't mind too much due to the shower taking his full focus. After awhile Tadashi had re-entered the room with baby wipes, snacks, drinks, and another blanket. He put his blanket on the couch before sitting down moving Tsuki to face him. "Okay little one I'm gonna wipe your face so it does feel all icky from the boogers and tears okay?" Tsuki frowns a little and nods letting Yams get all the nasties off. After a pain full minute of wiping Tsuki finally sat back on the couch watching the movie. 

Yams got up and threw away the baby wipes and put the container away. Once he returned to the couch he handed Tsuki his bottle of milk Yams had made and grabbed his cup of water. "If you want any snacks there on the table is some little boy snacks for you, but hen you eat them make sure to sit on the floor so we don't get crumbs on the couch and blankets okay?" Tsuki happily sips on his milk and nods away relishing in his little headspace. 

As the movie continued Tsuki's eyes began to droop in exhaustion as he laid on Yamaguchi's chest. Tadashi has been watching the movie and quietly running his fingers through Tsuki's hair. After a little time past and the rolling credits popped up he looked up from the sound of soft snores and babbles from the little one. He smiles and kisses Tsuki's forehead. He closes his own eyes and begins to drift off but not before thinking, 

"I'm definitely gonna have to talk to Tsuki when he is big again."

(921 wordcount)

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