Don't touch me

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I woke up and yet again we all were asleep in the living room. I looked over and saw Xavier cuddling with Noah and Hunter was hugging Ryder. Jax was hugging Max. i got up and took a picture of all of them cuddling.

 "Good morning sweetie" I heard Grandma say. I turned around and see Grandpa and Grandma come down the stairs. I smiled and said "Good morning". They both looked over to the guys and started to laugh. "We would have woken you all up, but you all really looked comfy so we let you be" Grandpa said. I smiled again and asked "Did you guys just wake up?" They both nodded. I was going to make my way to the kitchen but grandma stopped me. "Don't. We will all go out to eat. Why don't you go and get ready and we'll wake the boys up" she said with a smile. I nodded and went upstairs. I changed my clothes and left my hair down (^). I walk downstairs and I hear Ryder and Hunter yelling at each other, Xavier and Noah were just looked at each other like they both got 2 heads, and the twins were normal. They both were just sitting on the couch, on their phones. I looked at Grandpa and he looked...pissed? I walked up to him but I don't think he noticed me. "Hey grandpa, is everything alright?" I asked. he looked down and smiled, but I could tell it was a fake. "I'm okay" he said. I don't believe him. "Your lying" I said. I don't know why I said it but it just flew out of my mouth. Everyone stopped doing what they were doing and looked over us. Grandpa he looked shocked. "I'm sorry I didn-" I started to say but he cut me off. "No, its okay. I just got a phone call from a friend and he made me mad. Its really nothing sweetie." I looked down and said "okay" I still feel a bit bad. Grandma walked in and gasped "Why are you boys not ready yet?! Go and change before I beat your butts" She yelled. It made me laugh but I stopped when Hunter grabbed my phone from the table. All the other guys but me hunter and my grandparents when to go change. "Whatcha doin on my phone Hunter?" I asked. He looked at me and then at grandpa. "Nothing". "can I have it?" I asked, He smirked and said "Sure, If you can reach" He put my phone over his head. I glared at him. He knows dang well how short I am. I walked over to him and tried to get my phone. Curse him for being so tall! I saw that over my head an arm came and grabbed me phone from Hunter. I turned around and saw grandpa giving me my phone. "EE thanks!" I said and hugged him very tightly. He smiled and this time it was a true one. Hunter went up to go change.

Grandma came up to me and told me to sit on the couch. She sat beside me and so did grandpa. " Before your mother died she wanted your father to give this to you." Grandma said. She pulled up a beautiful necklace. "I can't take this, what if I loose it or even break it" I said shaking my head. " She wanted you to have it Bambina." Grandpa said. He put it in my hand and I could feel a tear come out. "There's something else" he said. He pulled out earrings. "Your father got these for you. He wanted to give you these himself but he couldn't" He said sadly. "He wanted us to give it to you. He told us that we have to make you promise you'll never take off the necklace, nor the earring" I know I wouldn't. "I promise I'll always have them on." I felt a few more tears fall off. I hugged them both and whispered "I wish I knew them" Grandpa patted my back softly and grandma said "I know. Know this Isabella. They are very proud of you" I nodded slowly.

 They are very proud of you" I nodded slowly

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