Im happy for you!

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The door bell rang and Noah basically ran to the door. A few seconds later, three guys and a really gorgeous girl came in. Noah was holding her hand. She came and gave me a really tight hug. I was a bit taken back but I ended up hugging her back. "It's so nice to meet you. Noah has been babbling about you ever since you came!" She said. I chuckled and said, "well I wish he said good things than" she smiled and then Noah pulled her towards him. "Isabella, this is my fiancé, Charlotte. And those are her brothers, Miles" Noah pointed at the guy with curly brown hair "Scott" he pointed at the guy that had a tattoo on his neck "and James" he pointed at at the guy with glasses. "Charlotte was really looking forward into meeting you when you came but couldn't come because of her work." Noah finished. "It's okay I'm happy she's here now" I said giving her a bright smile.
Charlotte s reaches and said "omg I love her already! She's so beautiful! She got the good genes, unlike Noah" she joked. "Hey!" Noah said while putting his hand on his heart making it look like his feelings got hurt. Everyone laughed. "We will eat dinner when Charlottes Aunt and her aunts son come. They'll be here soon. Isabella can you help Hunter set the table please" Xavier said and I nodded and said "okay" and went to the dining table with Hunter. Normally the maids would set the table, but since we have guests Xavier have them the day off. I'm fine with that tho. I felt a bit weird to tell them to do something. I normally just do it by myself.

After setting the table, the door bell rung and Hunter went to go see. It must be Charlottes Aunt and her aunts son. Everyone came into the dining room. Hunter came in with the two people I didn't think I would see again. My eyes widened and so did his. Nathan and his mom. What are they doing here? "Omg honey it's so good to see you" Nathan's mom, Amila said giving me a hug. I smiled and hugged her back. Everyone looked at us surprised. "You guys know each other?" Charlotte asked. "Of course we do. Her and my son used to-" me and Nathan both cut Amila off. "Be friends!" Amila gave us both a confused look. "We were friends" Nathan said. "Well then, let's eat" Xavier said. Other than the McDonald's, there was spaghetti and chicken. I've honestly lost my appetite to eat, but I have to eat something so my brothers don't question it. I just ate some fries and a little bit of spaghetti. Everyone is talking and laughing. I'm here quiet. I look at Noah and Charlotte and they seem in love. I'm happy for Noah. He deserves and amazing girl. I might know Charlotte well, but she seems like a really good person. I'm happy for them both. "Well I didn't expect to see you here" I heard Nathan say. "Well I didn't expect you to have such a nice cousin when your such a prick" I said giving him a innocent smile. "I thought you moved with your Aunt" he said ignoring my statement. "No I moved to be with my brothers" I said taking a sip of my water when I felt something rubbing on my leg. Nathan's hand. It made me choke on the water since I tried to not spit it out. That Awhole! Everyone looked at me. "Are you alright Bambina?" Noah asked me. "Uh yea I'm fine" I said "are you sure, why did you choke on your water?" Xavier asked. "I'm okay Nathan just said something funny while I was drinking my water" I said. Every went back to talking but Ryder came to me and told me to switch seats with him. Yes thank you so much Ryder!. I got up and sat where Ryder was sitting earlier. I'm now sitting next to Hunter and Xavier. " did he do something? It didn't look like you choked because he told a joke" Hunter said. How they heck can he tell if I choked from a joke or not?
" um no, I'm fine and he did tell a joke" I said hunter nodded his head but I heard him say "I don't trust him." In Xaviers ear. Xavier nodded agreeing to what Hunter said.

After eating and Nathan weirdly glancing at me, I got to know Charlotte more. She also likes BTS, her bias is Jungkook, just like he's my bias. She likes to cook but when ever she tries she will literally burn down the house. "Wait how did you guys meet?" I asked both Noah and Charlotte. Noah glanced at Charlotte and told her that she can tell me. "Well we met in college. I at first, hated him. Like I found him really annoying. I thought he was just some stuck up rich guy." Nathan cut her off "well I found her beautiful and I at first thought that she might be a gold digger but she isn't at all. I wouldn't leave her alone. I wanted to be friends. By the time I convinced her to be friends with me, I already started to have feelings for her. I actually asked her out but she declined at first. She said that I wasn't her type." Charlotte now continues. "After him basically begging me to go out with him I finally said yes. It didn't take me long to fall in love. I was really scared to be in love. When I was younger my dad left my mother and I thought that he loved her. I thought that Noah would do the same to me. That he might leave me. But he didn't he stayed with me. I love this big teddy bear with all of my heart" she said and Noah gave her a quick peck on the lips. I'm excited that she's going to be my sister in law . I really want what they have someday too. I don't have the greatest experience with boys when it comes to relationships.

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