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*Author's note* So my friend @bluiiiii decided to change my characters. You can go back to the Chapter 'Characters' and check them out.

*Back to the story*

I- J-Jack?

J-the one and only.
I-how are you calling me?

J- from a phone. Did all this time away from me make you go dumb?
I-what do you want?

I could feel my brothers gaze on me. I can't let them know anything. I swear this is gonna make me look insane. I started to laugh uncontrollably. They all looked at me confused.
I- you shouldn't play with me like that Shane.
J-what are you talking about?
I- you really had me there for a sec.
J-did you really go dumb?
I- yeah I guess I did. Why don't you go and fall off a cliff huh?
J-Don't talk to me like that you bi***!
I- *scoffs* bye bye.

I hung up the phone and sighed. "Who was that?" Xavier asked me. "Oh um it was one of my friends, Shane. He was just playing a joke on me" I said with a little nervous chuckle. "Shane? He's a guy?" Asked Ryder. "Um yeah he is" I said. "Why did Shane call you?" Asked Hunter. "He just wanted to play with me I guess." "Why did you say Jack?" Hunter asked. "Um-he-um He sounded like someone I used to know so that's why" I said. They all nodded and I did a little sigh hoping they all actually believe me. I just looked out the window until I fell asleep.

(A few days later)

I woke up and got ready for school.

"Bambina can you come down?" yelled Noah "Okay!" I yelled back

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"Bambina can you come down?" yelled Noah "Okay!" I yelled back. I picked up my bookbag and made my way down stairs. " What's up?" I asked while walking into the living room. All of my brothers were here, sitting on the couch. " Me and the rest of us" Xavier points to all the guys "Have to go on this business trip for three days. We would have takin you but you have tests so you can't come. We are trusting you on staying home alone. You go to school and come straight home. Do you understand?" Told Xavier. I get to be home alone? Without annoying brothers? Hell yes! "Yup I got it." "We'll be leaving today, right after you and Hunter get home" Noah informed me. I nodded "okay". "Grandpa is waiting on you outside. Are you really not going to tell us why he only wants you to go with? Hunter asked/informed me. I chuckled at the little bit of jealousy he held in his tone. "I guess he wants to spend more time with me?" I said with a bit of a shrug. He nodded and I heard a chuckle from Noah. I said goodbye and made my way to grandpa's car. " Hey sweetie" He said once I got to the car. "Hello Grandpa" I said with a smile.

After getting our breakfast. Grandpa just stared at me. "I want to know. tell me. Now." He said. I swallowed my bite and nodded my head. And that's what I did. I told him everything. I left almost nothing out. I told him about Jack. About Eric, Shane, and Ace. Even Oliver. I told him about the street fighting. I may or may have just left out the recent events but I still told him everything. Just not that.

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