Ch 1: Beginning

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"I am here" - All might

At a certain household in Mustufasu, Japan, a young boy and his sister were watching a very specific video again and again on repeat. As they watched the video, they rocked their heads back and forth while their green hair moved wildly. The video showed the debut of one of the world's greatest, if not the greatest hero of all time. His name - All Might. The hero saved over a hundred civilians in under a minute. This hero had come a long way from his debut and was now the Worlds Symbol of Peace. He was also the siblings idol and their father, though this fact was not known to them.

The twins name's were Izuku and Izumi Midoria they were inseparable and best friends till one fateful day.

"Izuku, Izumi hurry up it's time to go to the doctors to see what your Quirks Are!" A voice called across the apartment. It was their mother Inko Midoria. They were due to the doctors to see if they possessed a quirk. Kids their age usually got their bodys checked to see what type of quirks they developed. Quirks were considered to be special types of superpowers people are born with and 80% of the population was born with a quirk. Some quirks change the body type of a person, others cause them to control elements such as wind from their feet, and even on rare occasions control the weather, while some simply enhance the user's body to perform once inhumane tasks.

Quirks first started appearing a few centuries ago when a newborn boy in the province of china began emitting light from his body. Quirks began as an anomaly but soon became the normal as societies were revolutionised and newer laws were made to control the use of quirks in public.

Quirks have evolved to where projection of light is now considered a useless quirk.

The sibling were basically vibrating from excitement with the hopes of getting great quirks, so they could be hero's like All Might!

"LETS GO ALREADY IZUKU IS ALREADY IN THE CAR!" Izumi tried suppressing her voice, but she was too excited and didn't want to be left behind. "OK sweetie we can tell your father the results when he gets back from work!" Inko quietly giggled upon seeing a dust cloud where izumi was a second ago.

Later with the small family in the doctors office.

"Well I have good news and bad news," the doctor said.

"What's the bad news," Inko quickly
asked. "Your son is quirkness, but on the upside your daughter has a very powerful levitation quirk, that will surely make her into a great hero," the doctor happily said.

Izuku froze when he heard quirkless and stopped paying attention to the doctor. "Wait a second doctor if Izuku doesn't have a quirk why do his eyes look like hawk eyes?" Inko asked on behalf of Izuku.

"Well things like these are common it's just the genetics of Izuku, he probably just got a gene from a old ancester, but it's nothing important," explained the the doctor.

Izumi and Inko thanked the doctor happily and Inko picked Izumi up and twirled her around happily. Izuku watched on in confusion because their mother usually twirls them both around, but decided not to say anything since Izumi got her Quirk.

Making their way home in their old BMW that their father bought they found the very man they were looking for.

"HEY honey how was the doctor appointment?" Said the father Toshinori.

"Well izuku is quirkless, but Izumi has a powerful levitation Quirk!" Inko said to her husband. "Wow my little girl is going to become the next number one hero for sure!" Said Toshinori, picking up his daughter to give her a big hug.

Izuku stood watching from the door disappointed that they didn't comfort him about being quirkness, but carried on to his room.

Izuku laid down in his bed thinking about his future and that he would give up being a hero, but then izuku rembered a All might interview. "All Might sir," a reporter got all might attention and asked a question that changed millions of lives,"can people with weak quirks or even quirkless people become hero's?" The question made every other reporter quiet. "THATS A SILLY QUESTION OF COURSE, ANYONE CAN BECOME A HERO!" As All Might finished his speech the crowd erupted into cheers.

It was All Might who saved Izuku from giving up in his dream and lit a fire in his heart.

Before entering his slumber he heard the words he needed most, " YOU CAN BECOME A HERO!"

Wow first chapter done, I hope you enjoyed this took a decent amount of time to make! Make sure to make comments on what I can improve and thanks


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