Ch 2: Change

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All men are not created equal I quickly learned this at a early age.

Next Day

'I won't give up at least I still have my friends and parents to help me though this!' As izuku thought this his childhood friends Kaachan, Shoto, and Shota came up to me. "HEY Deku your sister said you don't have a quirk, maybe you really are useless," Kaachan loudly declared. "Kaachan just because I'm quirkless that didn't mean I'm useless, I will still BECOME A HERO WHO ALWAYS SMILES!" Izuku smiles brightly after saying that only to get get in the face by a explosion.

Katsuki Bakugo quirk allows him to secrete nitroglycerin-like sweat from the palms of his hands and ignite it on command, allowing him to create strong explosions. The more Katsuki sweats, the stronger his explosions become. His nickname came from izuku who couldn't pronounce katsuki's name right.

"You become a hero?" "The only heros I see here are me and my gang, and I'll become the number one hero and be the richest and most famous hero ever!" Katsuki boldly proclaimed.

Izumi quickly ran over and yelled at Kaachan for hurting Izuku. "KAACHAN DONT PICK ON THE WEAK HE ALREADY KNOWS HE CANT BE A HERO!" 'What..' that's all izuku could think of. 'Izumi don't you believe in me' izuku sadly thought. " ya bakugo izuku is weak don't rub it in," Shoto and Shota exclaimed.

"I still want to be a hero," izuku said to them. 'Ptffff..., wait is he serious,' izumi thought. Izumi glanced at izuku then at the group. " Izuku go to the corner for a second we need to talk," izumi waited until izuku was out of hearing distance and confronted get friends.

"Why did you do that Kaachan," Izumi asked in a sickly sweet voice, only to be interrupted by Shoto.
"Izuku was being foolish, a quirkless hero would die. Izumi do you want to send your brother to his death, or we can crush his dreams so he can live a long life," Shoto finished with, "it's only logical that you would want best for family."

Izumi looked over to brother then back to her friends and nodded. 'Its for his own good, he's my brother so it's my job to keep him safe.' Izumi thought to herself

"Ok, but we stop when he quits wanting to be a hero." Izumi looked at the group and they all responded with a "hai," "very well let's just get this over with," shota explained sadly because she has a crush on Izuku.

"HEY IZUKU GET OVER HERE," Izumi yelled over to her brother who quickly came over with a bright smile.

"Do you want to be a hero?" Izumi asked izuku hoping he would say no, but knew better.

"YES MORE THEN ANYTHING!" Izuku proudly explained to his friends with a million watt smile.

Then all he heard and felt were explosions, punches, kicks, heat, cold, and finally darkness. While this was happening izuku never lost his smile because he knew All Might believed in him.

And chapter done. Wow that was a little dark for my liking but don't worry the sun is on the horizon.
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Till next time

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