Ch 13: Patrol

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"I am here" - All might
"I am here" -  Afo

7 months till UA entrance exams

All Might pov

It's been a busy two months. Villains seen to be as annoying as always,' All Might thought to himself while chasing villain down a tunnel.

'Only 7 months to get Izumi used to one for all, and it's not going so well,' he thought to himself remembering Izumi's first attempt at the power and wincing.

Flash back two months at UA practice grounds


"Ok here I go!" Izumi said powering up.

Izumi felt the power of the quirk and unleashed it with her right arm while yelling SMASH! Making a strong gust of wind and destroying 3 building in the process.

"THATS MY GIRL!" Toshinori proclaimed picking Izumi up only to find her unconscious with a broken arm.

"SHIT Inkos and recovery girl are going to kill me," Toshinori said to himself transforming to his small might form and taking Izumi to UA's youthful nurse who will wack him with her cane.

Flash back end

'It's very strange for all the training Izumi went through I believed she would be able to at least control the quirk. It's almost like One For All is rejecting her,' Toshinori thought to himself catching up to the villain.


"Please sir I need the money I'm sorry for robbing the store, but I lost my job and my kids need food," the villain told All Might with tears in his eyes.

"FEAR NOT SIR, IF YOU TURN YOUR SELF IN I SHALL PERSONALY HELP YOUR FAMILY," All Might told the man with his signature large smile.

"Really?!" the man asked with a hopeful face.

"OF COURSE," All Might replied.

"Wait before I turn myself in can I see my family one last time?" The man asked All Might.

"NO" All Might replied before hitting the villain with a Detroit SMASH knocking him out.

'I had to finish it I was running out of time,' Toshinori thought to himself reaching his time limit and turning into his smaller form.

Toshinori brought out his phone and called his friend the human life detector and police detective Naomasa Tsukauchi. 

After 5 rings Tsukauchi picked up. "What is it this time," Tsukauchi asked immediately.

"Hey Tsukauchi, well I ran out of time in my hero form and I have a criminal I need you to take in," Toshinori told him running a hand through his hair, getting a groan in reply. 

"Just text me the location," Tsukauchi said before suddenly hanging up and leaving the police department. 

After texting the location Toshinori put the unconscious villain into a garbage can and put some sort of weight on it.

Now finished with subduing the villain Toshinori walked out of the allay and towards him home.

On his way home he felt someone watching him.  Toshinori started panicking since he cran out of his hero form and tried to walk faster only to bump into a large man a fall to the ground. 

"Yo skinny give me yall wallet, or I take you to Davy Jones lockers," The villain threatened activating his quirk, and putting his hand by Toshinori's throat.

*The villains quirk is sharp body, his quirk makes it so every part of his body is as sharp as a blade.

"Just take it, here, " he said sounding defeated and handing over his wallet. 

'What hero am I? I couldn't even defeat a common thief. I'm a failure,' Toshinori thought to himself.

"Well thanks for your wallet.... but can't have any witnesses so ya..., good bye," The villain said swinging his sharped arm down towards Toshinori's head only for it to be stopped by a small dager coated in a black substance. 

Looking up Toshinori saw his savior who looked to be a young adult with black hair with green high lights, and yellow hawk like eyes.

"What weird luck I was just returning home from training," the green haired man said looking towards Toshinori.

"DONT LOOK DOWN ON ME MY QUIRK MAKES IT SO MY WHOLE BODY IS A WEAPON," The villain shouted jumping towards the green haired savior.

The green hair man simply tilted his body left, right and back in quick recession dodges all the attacks.

"Weak," the man simply stated before lifting his small danger into the air and making several quick slashes towards the villain.

Toshinori stared at the villain waiting for something to happen, but nothing did.

"Ha I was worried there good a second, but I guess your a weakling," the criminal told the man before immedently getting covered in multiple slashes and falling unconscious.

"How?" Toshinori was completely stumped on how the man could do that.

"I cut him but he didn't notice," the man replied handing back the wallet to Toshinori and getting up to walk away.

"Wait what's your name," Toshinori shouted to the man.

The man stopped and looked over his shoulder his hawk like eyes looked like they could pierce through the  very heavens.

"Just call me Hawkeye," the man replied before continuing foward and walking away.

'He would have made a great successor with that quirk of his,' Toshinori thought to himself walking home.

At a unknown location in a dark bar
"It seems it's all most time for the king to return," a figure cloaked in darkness said out loud.

7 months till entrance exam

Hello everyone it's me. Sorry for the long delay schools been busy. If you liked it consider voting and commenting!

As always I really hope you enjoy this chapter I tried to showcase some of Izuku's powers and Toshinori's decline. Also if you didn't get it the green haired man is actually Izuku.

Once spring break comes along I might try to get two chapters out ever week, but things could change. See ya next time!


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