The Lies Behind The Light: Elwin

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An Elwin oneshot, because he is a god.

The title doesn't make much sense, I just liked the alliteration and decided to roll with it-

Life was never easy, and Elwin knew that for a fact.

He knew it better than most of the other elves in their so-called "perfect" world.

After all, he was always the one fixing the broken bones, soothing the shock, bringing the color back to faded bodies. He brushed away tears of pain and sadness, closed wounds, and softened the sting of a burn.

And no matter how much the Councillors tried to pretend there were no flaws, Elwin saw the cracks in the glittering world he loved.

Every utopia has hidden darkness, and Elwin was one of the only ones who seemed to be able to see it.

Any attempt to break from the uniform, artificial fakeness of his world would result in ridicule, and Elwin didn't mind, for the most part. He decorated his home in sparkles, and he ignored his skills, and he continued doing his job (it was important, of course. The children needed him, and he needed them). 

Unfortunately, he still didn't fit in, because there was something fundamental about him that he couldn't change. That would never be accepted in his perfect, fracturing world.

But there was nothing he could do, because he was a Physician, not a Councillor. He didn't come from a prestigious family, and he didn't try to rise in fame or notoriety or power because what was the point?

He was a lowly healer, a mediocre flasher, and no one seemed to value his light.

But Elwin was perfectly fine with that. He would keep healing the prodigies, keep a smile- a genuine one- on his face, and stay calm.

And when Sophie came to change the world, he supported her as much as he could; because she was going to heal the plastic world that they all lived in, sealing the wounds and soothing the burns as he had never been able to.


Being so close, and yet so far, was torture, but only Elwin knew it.

No one else seemed to realize his... he supposed it could be called yearning, although that sounded a bit too cliche and dramatic for his liking. The definition technically fit, however, and yearn Elwin did.

Looking across the room to meet his eyes, making special time to talk to him, laughing too hard and too long and being too pleased when he laughed too.

Silly, perhaps; immature, but Elwin had always been a child at heart, and he liked to flaunt it.

Until that fateful day. Elwin called it The Day Of Lost Chances, for it was true (if a bit overblown).

The day, he thought, whenever his mind decided to amble down the path of his mind. To saunter past lost memories and linger over his past.

One moment; one snapshot in time that Elwin would always regret and thank. The moment when everything changed.

When he had a chance to tell him but hesitated, and he left.

The Day Of Lost Chances, indeed.

Dramatic (as Elwin usually was) but accurate.

Because even though he was a child at heart, he was a thoughtful one. As bright and silly as he seemed, he was meticulous.

Serious and brash, but mainly focused; he thought his decisions through, hesitated and reconsidered, and it had cost him everything (even if it really wasn't much at all).


Elwin lived alone in his simple house, and he was satisfied with being by himself.

He had all the time in the world to make his elixirs, his balms and tinctures and remedies. (almost like a witch, he sometimes laughed to himself, stirring his healing potions and soothing concoctions)

He collected stuffed animals and gave them to students who needed some comfort (from their lives, their families, the infinite pressure heaped on every single prodigy no matter their lineage). 

He decorated his rooms with glitter and shimmering strands of light, each crafted from his own two hands.

It was lonely, sometimes, but Elwin told himself that he preferred it that way.

Just him and his thoughts.

But sometimes they were too loud for his liking, so he left his house alone as much as he could, staying at school past hours and arriving early. He lingered in Slurps and Burps as long as he could, talking to Kesler and Juline and occasionally Dex.

Elwin liked living alone, really. There was no one to bother him, and sometimes it was a needed break from the rowdiness of prodigies.

When he wore a smile, it was real.

But when he wore a frown, it was just as genuine.

Maybe he wished things could've been different, but that was long in the past, and he was perfectly content to stay behind and laugh and talk to prodigies and explain his elixirs and heal for as long as they needed.

He would keep on fixing the broken bones, soothing the shock, bringing the color back to faded bodies.

For what else was there for a physician to do?

I... love Elwin so much. He's definitely one of my favorite characters.

And he's gay, no question.

So this turned out a little... angstier than I thought it would-

Just like all of my oneshots lol

This was not proofread (yet again-) so it may or may not make any sense

So yeah, comment below, I love hearing your thoughts! :)

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