Eyes Like The Stars: Dexiana

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@LunaRaven26's request for Dexiana!

Dex once heard someone exclaim over the way a diamond sparkles and shines. The jewels were pretty enough, he supposed, with clearcut edges and a shimmering surface. They could cut through anything with their razor-sharp corners and sides that glimmered like ice.

But they still couldn't measure up to Biana's eyes.

Diamonds were clear and cold, but Biana's eyes were teal and warm and glittered with thousands of specks of color.

Dex suspected he could spend hours looking into Biana's eyes.

They were better than any diamond, any jewel; really, they were more like stars.

Elusive and mystical and warm and colorful and bright; yes, Dex decided, her eyes were like stars. 

Not a swirling ball of gas, as stars really were up close.

But how anyone could see them from earth: bright and colorful and shining and mysterious and unreachable.

Dex knew Biana's eyes were his stars, and she was his sun (or perhaps his moon, but she held too much light for that).

So whenever he looked up at the night sky, he found himself comparing them: the small pinpricks of light in the dark velvety midnight blue of the sky and Biana's teal eyes.

"Dex?" Biana's voice rang out, and Dex widened his eyes as he realized he'd zoned out.

"Sorry," he covered quickly. "I just... was thinking about something."

"What were you thinking about?" Biana's eyes glowed against her dark skin as they opened wider in curiosity, and Dex was grateful for the dark as it hid the blush spreading across his cheeks.

"Nothing much," Dex shrugged. "Should we continue with this, then?"

Biana eyed him before dropping it (thankfully) and turning back to the stellarscope.

She tugged on her gloves and peered into the scope, her fingers twiddling with the lever aimlessly until she found the star she needed, flipping the switch. 

The light from the star shot into the bottle attached to the scope, but Dex was more focused on Biana's smile as she turned back to him, beaming.

"Got it!" she practically sang, removing the bottle from the scope. As she tugged it up from the ground, it slipped from her fingers and she leaped to catch it, narrowly missing colliding with Dex as it landed on the ground with a bump.

"Oops," Biana laughed, biting her lip as she bent to pick up the bottle. As she rose, she dropped it again, and it landed back in the grass, almost hitting Dex's foot before he danced away.

A small giggle slipped out of his mouth and he quickly covered it, not wanting Biana to think he was making fun of her.

She fumbled on the ground a bit to pick up the bottle, and he knelt down to help.

"I can do it!" she almost snapped, a definite bite to her tone.

Dex leaped up quickly, holding his hands up in surrender. "Okay!"

"Sorry," she said, securing the bottle with the others and wiping her hands on her tunic as she stood up. Biana turned back toward him, biting her lip, and her forehead was creased as she said, "I just... wanted tonight to be perfect."

"We're gathering starlight for a school project," Dex reminded her, jitters spreading down his spine. She couldn't mean... no. "It's not like a- a-"

"A date?" Biana asked, taking a minuscule step towards him.

He cleared his throat (was it hot in here? Wait, they were outside-) and blinked slowly. His voice squeaked a little, and he blushed as he said, "Um. Yeah?"

"Well, that's the thing," Biana whispered. "I was hoping after tonight, you'd go on a... real date with me?"

The world stopped, and all Dex could think of was the tiny pinpricks of light above them and how Biana's eyes were even more beautiful than all of them put together (because she was here with him and that was better than a million stars).

"Yes, that would be-" Dex's voice was a little rough, now, and he cleared it quickly as he said, "I would... like that. Yeah."

Biana's smile was brighter than the sun.

Dexiana is one of the only straight ships I actually like; I just realized that lol

So, yeah! Any more requests for me? I'm very bored and since school is starting again in about two days, I need as much material to procrastinate with as possible. 

*thumbs up*

Comment below, I love hearing your thoughts and everything! :)

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