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I'm not sorry for not updating

I kidd. Mostly ❤️


Saiki's pov.
As I walked up to y/n's house she was unlocking the door or well tryin to while balancing her little brother on her hip.

Without thinking "here I'll hold him" spills out of my mouth. She jumped looking at me "oh- uh thank you.." she says handing shoto over to me. "Saikee" shoto says gripping my school uniform. I hear y/n struggling "key is jammed.." she says stepping back.

I move shoto so I'm holding him with one arm and grab the key twisting it making the door open. "Ah- thank you.. can you hold him for a second I just have to grab my other bag" she says and I nod.

She comes back with a different bag shutting the door. "I have to go to the store to pick groceries up since my grandma can't and.. neither can my grandpa" she explained. She's struggling to lock the door so I put my hand on her and turn it hearing it lock.

"Ha- thanks.. again" she says. Y/n us much more talkative.. "I could go with you. I'll help carry groceries" I offer. She shakes her head no but thinks for awhile. "Ok.. only if you're not busy.." she says. "Nope" I say starting to walk. "Alright" she says holding her hands out for shoto but he shakes his head no.

The store.. I should put my ring on so I don't hear a bunch of voices all at once. I reach into my pocket pulling out my ring made of a special metal. I quickly slip it on while y/n is distracted scribbling down a list of items she needs.

Shoto starts reaching for my antenna's on my head but his little arms can't reach them. "oh-! Uh Here" I look over to see y/n handing me a toy. "It's for shoto" she says going back to her list. Right away shoto starts reaching for the toy so I hand it to him. He starts chewing on it.

Shoto took notice in my ring and starts poking it. I have no idea what he's thinking. If I were to guess it's that y/n also has a ring too. Y/n tucks the list away in her bag then starts to fiddle with her ring. "Bah" shoto points to y/n's hands. He goes back to poking my ring while pointing at y/n's too.

Once we arrived at the store it was crowded. Y/n seemed scared to enter but she did. I followed as she went to pick out snacks such as baby carrots, strawberries, grapes, etc..

~mayhaps we skip~

I held some items while she stops at the desserts. "W-would you like something? My treat for helping me.." she says. I look spotting a coffee jelly. "A coffee jelly? Okay I'll grab another.. my grandpa likes those" she says picking up two.

She has a smile rather than her blank expression. She seems less bothered by the packed store. "Shall we go pay?" She says in a baby voice making shoto smile.

I notice two grown women whispering and pointing at us. I just turn while y/n goes to the front counter.

"Hello how are you? Is this all?" The cashier says and y/n nods. I set the items down though in the process shoto drops his toy. I look and notice he is falling asleep. I grab the toy "he's tired here's his toy" I say holding the toy to y/n. "It's nap time once we get home then.." she says stuffing the toy in her bag.

"Ah is this your son? Are you two married?" The cashier says making y/n and I freeze. "N-no i- why would you t-think that" y/n says quick. "Oh- your both wearing rings I thought maybe" they continue. "No we're just classmates. This is her little brother" I simply say. The cashier nods while finishing up.

"Okay here is your total!" The cashier beams. "Here.." y/n hands them the money. "Arlight we'll have a nice day!" The cashier says while y/n quickly grabs the bags of groceries.

She struggles but I take some so she won't. "Thanks." She says. The walk back to her home was quiet. She managed to unlock the door on her own. "Where should I.." "oh his room is upstairs third door on the left" she says putting some of the vegetables away.

Odd. I didn't think she would be comfortable with me putting her baby brother to bed. I calmly walk up the stairs hoping I don't wake him. I find his room third door on the left. I open it and see his crib. Walking over I lean down setting him down.

I'm glad he didn't wake up. I put a blanket over him and head back down to see y/n almost done with putting the groceries away.

"I should get going" I say and she jumps. "Before you do- hang on" she quickly searches. "Here- the coffee jelly. Thank you again saiki" she says. She hands me the coffee jelly and I feel like smiling.

"Thank you. Call me Kusuo" I say. I say my goodbye walking out the door making sure to shut it.

Y/n's pov.
K-kusuo. I- I don't think much more of it as I continue to finish up putting the groceries away.

After I do I get a call from my grandma.


HNnMmm I'm So tired :D

But I must study


W.D.Y.W.F.M? - Saiki Kusuo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now