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Y/n's pov.
I look out the window watching the raindrops race each other.

I hear shoto laughing at something our grandma is doing. I look at them seeing her pretend to seem scary. "You're a tough boy aren't you" grandma says tickling shoto.

I smile to myself.


I fix my school uniform the way I like it. Frowning at the thought of being in public surrounded by others is. Uncomfortable. But I'll need education to support shoto when it's just me and him.

I sling my bag on my shoulder stepping out into the hall. I bend down grabbing the toys on the floor making my way to shoto's room. I enter seeing him peeking over his crib making him smile. "You left these out there mister" I say setting them in the toy box.

"Y/n" he says holding his arms up at me. I pick out his clothes which are simply blue and grey. After he's dressed I carry him down seeing my grandma setting down a plate. "Oh you're up" she says surprised.

"Yeah" I say setting shoto in his high chair. She hands me a bowl full of fruit for shoto. "Here don't be too messy" I say setting down the bowl Infront of him.

I quickly finished my food first.

(I don't know what breakfast foods are I usually have a monster and a bag of chips ok-)

Now when shoto is just playing with the rest of the fruit that usually means he's done. "Y/n." Grandma says. I look over at her and she has a worried look.

Her look changes "have a good day sweetie" she says putting a smile on. "And you too boy" she squishes shoto's face. "I will" I say picking shoto up.

We said our byes and off shoto and I were.


I enter the daycare. "Shoto!" "wait wait n o" I hear a worker struggling. "Ok shoto have a good day" I say smiling. He pats my leg walking off into the group of kids. "Bye y/n-" "he likes y-" the guy was cut off getting wacked with a foam sword.

Kids start screaming and I leave. Pray that shoto will be ok.

I bump into someone "I'm sorry-" "i- y/n?" I look up seeing teruhashi. I feel my heart drop realizing I spoke. "You can talk! I was getting tired of trying to guess what you mean but you can actually talk!!" She bursts out.

I give a awkward smile before sprinting away. "Y/n wait!" I hear her yell but I don't stop.


I'm calling that good since I'm really nice

I'm also currently sick. But I'll do more hopefully this week



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