Chapter 0.3 - Bazett

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July 2013, 1 Year Before The Holy Grail War

It was a rainy night as the plane flies through the dark clouds, one of the passenger a woman dress in purple is reading a book, as she close her books she says inside her "How could you die, Kirei Kotomine"

9 years before, July 2004
After the 4th Holy Grail War - The Mage Association, Clock Tower.

"Kotomine Kirei is dead?!" She says as she slams the table, "Yes that is right Ms Bazzet, Kotomine Kirei is dead he's one of the people we found dead after the Fuyuki incident, precisely because of the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki", she answer him "I know about it, because of Caster a giant Cthulhu appears in the lake it becomes a serious problem there because there are many witnesses even the military come there to check it" he nods at her "So other than Kotomine Kirei who else died in there?" She asked him, "Let's see, Kirei's father Risei Kotomine, one of the Mages from the Clock Tower Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald, and his fiance Sola-Ui Nuada-Rei Sophia-Ri, one of the people from the Family who created the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki Tohsaka Tokiomi, and his wife Tohsaka Aoi, one of the person who created the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki Matou Zouken, and one of his son Matou Kariya." She replied"I see, there's some quiet name in there." They continue to talk about the situation in Fuyuki after the 4th Holy Grail War.

5 years after The 4th Holy Grail War - Caffé Nero

A man is sitting in one of the table he sips his coffee as he looks at his watch, a ring can be hear as the door open Bazzet walks up to the man sitting, "Sorry traffic hold me down" she says "It's okay I'm not long here yet" he hands her a coffee "Here have a drink first" she takes a sip from the coffee. "So why did you call me here?" She asked, he gives her a box wrapped in brown paper that looks old, she takes it and ask "What is this?" He sips his coffee and answer "Bazzet I want you to participate in the next Holy Grail War, in about 5 years the next one is about to start prepare yourself to participate in it." He takes another sip "Inside that box is a necklace that belongs to a monk, not just any monk this monk is knows from it's way of using a spear, his famous lines is "It can be a spear to thrust. A naginata to cleave. A sickle to slash, in any case, it never fails to hit the target." She quickly realised who he's talking about, she asked "So I have to use this as a Catalyst to summon him?" he nods to her as he takes another sip of his coffee to finish it "Bazzet, you have to prepare yourself now, you're gonna go to Fuyuki to participate as a Master." He stands up & tap her shoulder as he leaves the cafe, she takes another sip of her coffee she looks at the box warped in old brown paper "I'm gonna become a Master huh, on that war. We'll see how it will go" she lets out a small smile "Pleasure working with you, Monk"

Back at present time

She takes the box from the jacket "It's almost time" she smiles a little as she looked to the window and see the plane is slowly going down a voice from the pilot can be heard saying they almost arrived at Tokyo International Airport, the plane landed and all the passenger takes their luggage from the plane, and so Bazzet as she finally finished preparing herself she leaves the airport "Kirei, now I'll become a Master in this Holy Grail War like you, just you see I'll win this war so that I can bring you back" she says inside her as she calls for a taxi at the airport.

(Bazzet Fraga McRemitz, Prologue End)

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