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I've actually had this written for a few months now, just never posted it anywhere. Figured I'd start with this one.

Kyoka hid under her bedsheets, doing her best to cover her ears. She knew there would be a thunderstorm tonight, but she didn't expect it to be this loud. Her dorm room shook slightly with each passing strike.

She hated thunderstorms, she really did. Her quirk not only turned her heartbeats into destructive sound waves, it also amplified her hearing. Put two and two together and...well...her and loud noises didn't mix. Explosions always terrified her; she didn't get along well with Bakugo for that reason.

Another loud crash sounded. Tears were poking out of her eyelids ever so slightly. Ever since the final exams where her and Koda teamed up against Present Mic, her hearing had become more sensitive. She had come out of that exam with her ears bleeding and her head pounding, and the aftereffects of that ordeal had lasted ever since then. This thunder was only making her head hurt worse.

She contemplated texting her girlfriend, but she knew that Momo would probably laugh at her for having such a stupid fear. And plus, it was two in the morning; Momo was probably asleep, and didn't want to be woken up.

She knew cuddling with her girlfriend was the only thing that would help her get to sleep tonight, but Momo for sure didn't want to be disturbed. Kyoka mentally slapped herself; she needed to stop being so needy all the time. Momo always helped her with stupid shit like this. It wouldn't be fair to keep asking more of her.

Thunder boomed again, this time louder than all the previous explosions. Kyoka was crying now; her face was red and her body was trembling.

Agh, fuck it, she thought to herself. She would go down to Momo's dorm room. She wouldn't be able to sleep otherwise, and she had to be up early the next morning for classes.

She slowly climbed out of her bed, her hair a mess and her eyes and face red from crying. God damn, I hate this stupid fear, why am I such a baby? She wished she weren't so reliant on Momo. Momo deserved so much better than this.

She opened her door slowly so as to not wake any of her classmates that were on the same floor as her. She already wasn't Mr. Aizawa's favorite student; he didn't need an earful from him tomorrow morning.

She crept along the darkened halls of Heights Alliance until she reached her girlfriend's dorm room. She swallowed; she hoped Momo wouldn't be angry with her.

Kyoka reached for the doorknob and twisted it slowly; it was unlocked, thankfully. The door creaked ever so slightly; Kyoka made sure not to have it be too loud. Once she was successfully inside, she closed the door softly.

It was very dark. Once Kyoka's eyes adjusted to the dimness, she made out the outline of her sleeping girlfriend. She looked so peaceful; Kyoka almost turned around and went back to her room. There was no way she would disturb her.

Before she could turn around, a loud crack of thunder shook the building again. Kyoka couldn't help but let out a small whimper. This, unfortunately, was enough for Momo to wake up.
"W-Who's there?" she murmured sleepily, an edge to her voice.

"Shit. Uh, it's Kyoka."

"Kyo?" Her voice softened. "What are you doing here so late?"

"S-Sorry. I'm leaving."

"Kyo." Concern laced her words. "You didn't come to my room at two in the morning for nothing. What's wrong?"

Kyoka sighed. No point in lying, might as well tell her the truth.

"W-Well, the thunderstorm is kinda loud, and um, I've always been a bit s-scared of loud noises, and I thought I could come here so I could sleep, b-but I don't want to disturb you, you need your sleep too, agh what am I even saying, I'll just-"

"You're afraid of thunderstorms?" she murmured. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I was afraid you would judge me."

Momo sighed good-naturedly. "I would never do that, Kyo. I love you too much for that." She stirred. "C'mere." She removed the covers to her bed, revealing a space where Kyoka could get in.

She hesitantly walked over. "I really don't want to be much trouble-"

"Trouble?" she giggled. "You know I love cuddling with you just as much as you do."

She slowly slid into the covers next to her. She wrapped her arms around Kyoka's waist and pulled her close. Kyoka immediately melted into her embrace. She wrapped her arms around her neck and nuzzled her face into the crook of her neck.

"All better?" Momo murmured softly, her breath tickling Kyoka's ear.

"Mm," Kyoka mumbled.

Momo's warmth brought drowsiness to her eyes, but before she could drift off into the confines of sleep, another loud bang of thunder sounded from the outside. Kyoka cringed, scrunching her eyes and burying her face into Momo's chest.

Momo's grip tightened. "It's okay. It's okay. I've got you now. No need to be afraid."

She knew just how to calm Kyoka's nerves down, as always.

"Here. I have an idea." A flash of pink surrounded both girls. Kyoka was soon enveloped in another warm layer. Momo had created a large, soundproof blanket and wrapped the both of them inside of it. Kyoka had never felt more comfortable in her life. Maybe coming down to her girlfriend's dorm room was a good idea after all.

Momo snaked her arms around Kyoka's waist again and pulled her closer. Kyoka's eyes grew heavier and heavier by the minute, and the last thing she heard before drifting into the depths of sleep was Momo whispering a soft "I love you" in her ear.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed, finally glad this got posted lol. Let me know if you have any prompt ideas.

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