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TW: Mentions of suicide

The wind whisped through Kyoka's hair, bringing a slight chill over her body. Despite the cold, she was actually quite relaxed. Coming here, to the lake, always brought a sense of calm, as if the world came to a standstill. No problems, just the quiet wind sending soft ripples through the water.

This specific part of the lake, this tiny shore, full of tiny flowers, was Kyoka's favorite and least favorite spot in the entire world.

It was where she had met Momo. It was where Momo and her had fallen in love. It was where they always came to talk, to hold each other, to watch the stars reflecting on the deep blue water. And it was also where Kyoka had witnessed Momo kill herself.

Terrible, that day was. She had just been strolling through the woods when she heard a loud explosion. Breaking into a run, Kyoka dashed through the spiny grass, allowing the blades to tear at her bare legs, and when she had reached the shore, all she saw was blood.

Coming here brought back both good memories and that one terrible scene.

She had avoided this place for years after her beloved's suicide. Too afraid she would be plunged back into that one night, the explosion of gunfire ringing in her ears, the puddles of blood making the lake run red.

But now, seven years after the incident, Kyoka came back, allowing the quiet sounds to bring her at ease. It allowed her thoughts to run free.

Do you remember when we first met? We were fifteen, about to take the entrance exams for UA. I remember being so scared then. I thought I had no chance to pass. Heh, how naive I was. I think meeting you here helped calm my nerves a little.

Do you remember when we fought together at the USJ? I think that was one of the first times we really got to know each other. I thought we were done for, but your creation quirk helped us win. Don't tell Denki that.

Do you remember when we first fell in love? It was right here. I remember it exactly. The night was cold, you offered me your jacket, you had your arms around me. It was the most wonderful night of my life. The taste of your lips, the warmth your body offered mine. I will never forget it. I hope you won't either.

Do you remember the times we spend here? Heh, I remember us sneaking out of UA's dorms just to sit here and talk. I'm surprised Mr. Aizawa never caught us. I guess he thought you were too much of a good student to do that. Me, on the other hand...not so much. But we don't have to get into that.

Do you remember our first time? I was so awkward. You were so good at it. I hope we weren't too noisy. I'm sure we were, though, since Ashido and Tsu were giving us weird stares the next morning. But that was okay. You made me feel good. I hope you did, too.

Do you remember when I proposed to you here? Probably rivals the night we fell in love. I remember your teary eyes, your rapidly beating heart, your kisses, your cuddles that night. Truly a night I will never forget.

Do you remember our wedding? Everyone from our class showed up. Even Mineta was acting proper for once. That's something I probably will never see again. Denki wore probably the nicest thing I'll ever see him wear. Thinking of that helps me cheer up. You were so beautiful that day. Not that you're not normally, because you are. You were just especially stunning.

...why did you do it?

I didn't know you were going through a tough time. Were you hiding it that well?

I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't notice earlier. I wish with all of my heart I could have helped you.

I'm sorry I didn't find you in time.

For a long while, I have been feeling guilty. So, so guilty. Guilty that I didn't notice how you were feeling. The pain you were going through. I wish you would have talked to me. You knew I would never judge you.

But I am not going to blame you. What's done is done.

And I know you do not want to see me mope around feeling sorry for myself. For you, I have been trying to let go.

It has been hard, yes. I have tried dating other girls, but nothing ever worked out. I don't feel the same for them as I have you.

I think of you all the time, you know. Not a day goes by where I don't think of you.

Though, slowly, ever so slowly, I've been letting go. I know that's what you would have wanted.

I'm still saddened that you're gone. Every morning I wake up sad, knowing that you're not waking up beside me. But that's...okay.

Because I know, I hope, you're resting peacefully. And whatever was troubling you throughout your life, is no longer affecting you.

I hope you enjoyed your times with me. I hope I was able to make you happy, to make you smile, despite whatever you were going through.

And I know, even through death, that we will be reunited again someday.

I love you, Momo. With all my heart.

Some day, I will see you again. 

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