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Momo silently grumbled to herself as she walked to her dorm room. This was the first academic test that she didn't do so great on. Normally she would be scoring at the top of her class, but this time that just didn't happen?

Maybe I'm sick? she wondered to herself. Come to think of it, I HAVE been feeling a little off lately.

She wasn't sure why exactly. Her grades were good, and the League of Villains has been quiet as of late. Her relationship with her girlfriend, Kyoka, was going swimmingly as well.

Kyoka...I should talk to Kyoka about how I'm feeling. Maybe she can help.

Talking to her girlfriend always helped. She felt a little spring in her step as she made her way to Kyo's dorm room. As she reached the door, she heard a bit of chatter inside.

Did Kyo invite the girls over?

The door was closed, but as she got closer she noticed the voice in her room was deeper than all of the girls'.

Of course. She's talking to Kaminari.

Momo's heart sank. Every time Kaminari hung out with Kyoka, a pit in her stomach would always form. She knew Kaminari was a nice guy, but they spent so much time together. They've been good friends ever since the USJ attack.

Shut it, Momo. They're just friends.

But every time the yellow-haired boy entered her mind, she pictured him holding Kyoka's hand, hugging her, kissing her...

She knew she wasn't thinking rationally. Of course Kyoka wouldn't cheat on her. They'd been together for so long. And yet her and Kaminari hung out so often.

They're so...close.

Momo mentally slapped herself. She was being unreasonable.

Friends were allowed to hang out with each other.


She kept trying to convince herself of this as she heard the two of them chatter.

He was making her laugh. She was laughing quite a bit.

What if she really has a thing for Kaminari?

Images of her middle school days flashed through her head. She had her first girlfriend in the final year of middle school before she enrolled at UA. They had been together for a while; she had made Momo so happy. Warmth exploded through her chest every time they hung out together. And yet, one day, she had found her in bed with one of her other classmates. She had cheated, and tore Momo's heart in two.

She never quite recovered from that, even after being with Kyoka. She struggled with self-confidence and self-worth since the incident. She knew Kyoka probably wouldn't do the same, but seeing her with Kaminari brought painful flashbacks that she tried so hard to forget.

She barely noticed the tears streaming down her cheeks as she composed herself to go back to her room. She didn't know what to do if Kyoka cheated on her with Kaminari. She put her head down and sped to her room, locking the door and collapsing on her bed. She cried into her pillow, wishing with all of her heart that she was just being overdramatic and Kyoka actually loved her and wanted to be with her.

Images of Kyoka being with Kaminari kept flashing through her mind, no matter how much she tried to get rid of them.

She didn't know how long she spent locked up in her room. Hours, probably. She missed dinner for sure. Kyoka probably was too busy hanging out with Kaminari to notice that she was missing.

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