Camping Trip

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One of the best things about being a third-year at UA was the flexibility for class schedules, and the increased freedom the students have. During one of their "off" weeks, Mina Ashido invited the entirety of Class 1-A (yes, unfortunately meaning Mineta as well) to a weekend camping trip. The class agreed to go, although it took some convincing from Kirishima to have Bakugo come. It would be a fun break from the stresses of classes, and Aizawa would make sure there would be no villain disturbances on the getaway.

Kyoka wasn't as excited as the rest of her classmates - she was more of an introvert and preferred to stay home, but when she realized her best friend and crush, Momo Yaoyorozu, was going, she decided to go as well. Any opportunity for them to get closer, Kyoka realized with a bit of shame. She had been crushing on Momo almost since they met as first years, and over the years it was looking more and more like Momo was straight and was crushing on Todoroki.

It's fine, though. Just hanging around her is enough, she constantly kept telling herself.

The morning of the camping trip, Kyoka scrambled to finish packing her bags; twenty or so minutes later, she met the rest of her class in the common room. She was the last one downstairs.

"You take way too long," Mineta sneered. "How could you possibly need that much time? You wear the same goddamn clothes every day."

Kyoka prepared herself to punt the little shitbag across the room, but relaxed immediately as she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. "Don't egg him on," she heard Momo's soft voice murmur.

Mineta often picked on Kyoka, claiming she was the least attractive girl in the class. Kyoka normally didn't really care much for it, but sometimes he really got to her. She knew she wasn't the most attractive person on the planet, and it seemed every other girl got dates but her. She had never dated in her life; because of that, she never saw herself as "pretty" or "lovable". As a bisexual girl, she told herself it should be easier to find a date, but all it earned her were more hopeless crushes.

Momo was by far the person whom she's had a crush on the longest.

Her hand on her shoulder was sending shivers down the spine.

"C'mon. Our ride's here. Let's have fun and not worry about what that little prick has to say."

Kyoka smiled; Momo always knew how to make her feel better. "Thanks."


Class 1-A threw their bags into a compartment on the transportation bus and all took a seat on the inside. There were two people sitting per row; Kyoka and Momo were sitting together. Even though they've been best friends for three years, being so close to her crush always made Kyoka unnecessarily flustered.

"Hey, anything wrong?" Momo asked her suddenly. "Did Mineta really bother you?"

Kyoka jumped slightly, but relaxed. "Y-Yeah. I guess. I know his opinions are irrelevant but sometimes it gets tiring to hear the same shit every single day."

"I know." Momo shifted so she was sitting closer to Kyoka, making her heart race. She was so close. So close, yet so far...

"D'you wanna just relax for the rest of the trip? We won't be there for a few hours. I know you haven't slept for a while and relaxing helps calm the mind."

"I-I guess, I'm pretty tired..."

"Here." She moved even closer. "You can lay your head on my shoulder."

Kyoka's heartbeat became ever more frantic. Is she really suggesting this?

Not like it was Kyoka's lifelong dream to lay on Momo's shoulder.

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