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Hey all, sorry for the delay. I'm terrible at updating, I know. I've had writer's block and been dealing with IRL things. Let me know if you have any requests.

Kyoka groaned internally, barely able to pay attention to Mr. Aizawa's lesson. Her period cramps didn't normally get this bad, but today she could barely sit still. Pain pulsated through her body to the point where she almost raised her hand to go to the bathroom. She knew that Mr. Aizawa hated when students took bathroom breaks, so she held herself back.

"Jirou, what is the answer to this equation?" Aizawa suddenly asked, snapping her back to reality. Not like she could really focus, anyway.

The equation on the board looked complicated as hell. No way she was gonna answer that, not in her pain.

"I don't know."

Aizawa narrowed his eyes. "Pay attention, please."

Kyoka nodded her head in shame. Denki raised his eyebrow at her, while her girlfriend, Momo, looked at her quite concerned.

I'll tell her later, Kyoka decided.

Class dragged on for another hour, and by the end of it Kyoka could barely stand. Her abdomen throbbed with pain so great she thought she would die.

"For the rest of class you all are going to be sparring with your classmates at the training grounds. I don't want to see any slacking off." Aizawa glared at his class - it looked like he couldn't wait to get back to sleep.

He ran through who would be sparring with who. Kyoka barely paid any attention; all she could think about was the throbbing pain in her stomach.

"Jirou, you'll be training with Kirishima today."

Just great. There's no way that I'll be any good, especially with him.

Once they all got to the training grounds, Kyoka followed Kirishima to their separate area.

"Hey Kirishima, is it alright if you go easy? I'm not really feeling that great," Kyoka asked him, quite embarrassed.

"Oh, no issues, is anything wrong?" Kirishima looked over at her, slightly concerned.

"My stomach kinda hurts," she lied.

"Oh no worries," Kirishima commented. "I don't wanna accidentally hurt you, ya know?"

"Kirishima! What are the rules on roughhousing during training?!" Aizawa yelled, rushing over to where Kirishima and Kyoka were.

"I didn't! She wasn't feeling well, I was going easy on her and as soon as I hit her once she fell-"

"I don't want to hear it. Jirou, are you conscious?"

Kyoka's vision was blurry, but she could hear fine. Kirishima accidentally dealt a softer blow to her head, and her period cramps overtook her, causing her to fall over and faint for a little. Kirishima had run over to Aizawa as soon as she fell over.

"I-I'm okay."

"Do you need to see Recovery Girl?"

"I don't t-think so. I've been having bad stomach aches. I wasn't able to really spar today."

Aizawa shook his head. "Go back up to your room and get some rest. Let me know if you need any more time off. And as for you Kirishima, you'll be sparring with Bakugo for the rest of class."

Kirishima immediately brightened at the fact he'd be training with his boyfriend. Kyoka got up and slowly made her way back to the dorm rooms.

Momo was training with Ashido when she saw her girlfriend walking back to her dorm. Is everything okay with her? She's been acting off all day.

She decided that after training she would go straight up to Kyoka's dorm to check on her.

A few hours later, Kyoka was laying on her bed. Her cramps had gotten significantly worse. She had thrown up a few times and could barely move off her bed. She had a wet towel on her head to try and cool her down, but it wasn't doing much.

I could really use some ibuprofen. And a heating pad. But I can barely move off this bed. No way I'm getting any sleep tonight. Then again, when do I ever?

She was in so much pain she barely heard a knock on her door. She didn't have the energy to speak up. She could faintly hear the picking of her door lock.

"Kyo? Are you in here?" she heard Momo's soft voice echo across the room. Kyoka immediately relaxed her muscles. She knew her girlfriend would always help her feel better.


"You went back shortly after training today, and you skipped dinner. What's the matter?"

"I just have really bad period cramps. I could barely focus during training and Kirishima accidentally hurt me. No, it wasn't on purpose," she added, noticing Momo clench her fists. "Kirishima would never intentionally do something like that. It was an accident."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I brought you some food, just in case you were hungry." Momo dumped a bunch of snacks on Kyoka's bed, taking a seat at her feet in the process. "Want me to lay down with you?"

Kyoka's heart rate increased. "Yeah. I would like that."

Momo smiled, then climbed in the bed next to her girlfriend. She wrapped her arms securely around her waist, and Kyoka instinctively rested her head in the nape of Momo's neck. Momo pressed her midsection to Kyoka's waist, in an attempt to provide a heating pad. Kyoka blushed profusely, but then relaxed into her girlfriend's embrace. Momo's warmth provided good relief from the terrible pains she had endured earlier in the day.

Momo created a thick blanket and wrapped it around the both of them. Now extremely comfortable, Kyoka felt her eyelids close.

"Everything good now, baby girl?" Momo whispered into her ear, sending chills down her body.

"Yes. Thank you so much. I love you."

"I love you too. So much. And next time please let me know if you're in pain."

The last thing Kyoka heard was Momo's soft breathing before she fell asleep, her pain eroded to a great extent.

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