Relax for Me (smut)

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This one is gonna be set after the events of the recent manga chapters, with some of the plot altered. If you don't want to be spoiled I would recommend turning away.

Tonight was cold. Well, when was it not these days.

It was always cold, knowing that Denki could be dead.

Ever since the battle with Shigaraki and his sidekicks, everything was uncertain.

And recent news of the prison break did not help lighten the mood at all.

Many of Kyoka's classmates were in critical condition. Midoriya, for one, would not wake up. Bakugo woke up a day or so ago, but could barely move. Todoroki's entire face was wrapped in gauze, and the recent news that Dabi was actually his long-lost brother, Toya Todoroki, had completely shaken him down to the core. And the whereabouts of Amajiki and Denki were unknown.

Kyoka knew that the situation wasn't looking likely in her favor. Denki was with Midnight during the battle, and Midnight was killed. The pro heroes sent out a search team for both Amajiki and Denki, but nothing so far.

One good piece of news had reached her ears, however. Her girlfriend had escaped with only a few scratches and was essentially unharmed. She was currently visiting Todoroki to check on how he was feeling. Todoroki was already facing serious mental health problems before this, but finding out that Toya was alive and was working with the League to get back at Endeavor all these years must have plunged him back into such a sorrowful despair.

Kyoka shivered once more, attempting to cover herself in what little covers she had. She and the rest of her uninjured classmates had returned to UA's dorms. It was currently one in the morning; there was no way Kyoka would be able to get back to sleep in such a state.

Her mind was filled with Denki. And of how he could be dead right now. Her heart beat faster and faster, and droplets of sweat were beginning to form on her forehead. She knew she was having a panic attack, probably the fifth one today, but what was she supposed to do? Her best friend could be dead and she could do nothing about it.

Her only option, she realized, was to text Momo and see if she could come to her dorm. Her girlfriend was quite skilled in calming her panic attacks.

She's visiting Todoroki. Don't interrupt her.

Sighing, she reached for her phone to check the time when she realized she had a few unread texts from Momo, from about three minutes ago.

Momo [1:05 AM]: Hey, just got out of the hospital. Shoto's still very shaken, but the doctor says he's gonna make it.

Momo [1:07 AM]: Anyways how're you feeling babe? Do you need me to come over?

Me [1:10 AM]: Oh. That's good, happy to hear that Todoroki's gonna make it

Me [1:10 AM]: And yeah, that would be good I think. I can feel another panic attack coming

Momo [1:12 AM]: Alright. I should be there in ten. I love you and I'll see you soon <3

Kyoka put down her phone, feeling a bit better. Talking to her was so therapeutic, regardless of how painful the world was around them.

Fifteen or so minutes later, she heard a knock at her door. "Come in!"

Momo walked in, wearing her pajamas, hair down. "Hey babe, sorry I was so late. There was traffic and I had to get ready-"

"It's okay. I don't mind, really." Kyoka smiled up at her girlfriend, the first genuine smile she had put on in days.

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