Part 3: South Africa Mate

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***December 24th, 2010***

Adjusting my tie, I wish I didn't come to this stupid Christmas Wrap party.

With the last day of shooting the last scene ever of Harry Potter- I find myself underwhelmed by it all.

Everyone else has been blubbering and reminiscing all week and though that's fine for them. I rather not think about it.

"You look sexy tonight." Her arms wrap around me and she plants a chaste kiss to my neck. Looking up in the mirror at Jade- I smile, but I hate to say it's in-genuine

"Thanks, Babe." I respond back. We've been together for a little over two years now and though I can say consistent sex and snuggles are nice- I've slowly lost the sensation to enjoy the guaranteed.

I'm 23 for fucks sake. I shouldn't find shagging boring. I should long for it.

"After we're done here...why don't we go back to my place and further our party." Her hand slips down the front of my trousers and it naturally lifts my spirits...if you know what I mean.

"Darling- please." I remove her hand and my private area and step aside. 

"Too bad, Emma won't make it tonight." She jabs and I shake my head. Emma and her recent boy toy have been called away on a family holiday. She regrettably told everyone she would be missing the Christmas Eve party and that news deflated me even more.

"Yeah, well- her loss." I grumble and leave the hotel room. Heading to the elevator, I press the button and wait. Jade- who's leaning against me and texting on her phone- barely notices when the door opens. "Babe...come on."

Getting in, she leans against the back wall- snapping photos of herself in her elegant black dress.

"Are you going to be on your phone the whole night?" I ask her and she rolls her eyes.

"I'm just steering a friend. Calm down. I don't gripe when you text Emma."

"You like to bring her up a lot don't you? Well let me tell you something- Jealously isn't pretty on anyone- Jade." When I say this the elevator doors open on the fifth floor and in pops none other than Emma and George Craig.

What fucking loser has two first names? Craig as a last night...fucking stupid!

"Tom! Jade!" Emma happily says and throws her arms around us both. Jade glares at me and then feigns joy.

"So nice to see you, Em. Didn't think you were coming." Jade snidely says.

"Yes- well- change of plans. Can't miss the last Christmas Potter Party.  Miss saying goodbye to all my best Mates." Her words hurt me for some stupid reason. "Especially this guy!"

Squeezing me again in her hug, I can't help but relish her arms around me. It's been so long.

"Oh! Jade- this is my boyfriend- George. George, this is Jade and Tom." She introduces us as the elevator descends down to the first floor so we can head to the private ballroom. George simply nods and pulls out his phone.

Apparently- he and Jade have that in common.

Awkward silence fills the box for the rest of the ride and I hate it. Time with Emma shouldn't be awkward. It should be fun and enjoyable.

It always used to be.

***August 2019***

I got to admit- I'm not usually one for the heavy overtaking of sadness- but after this morning's...awkward encounter in bed with Emma, I'm feeling it.

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