Part 8: How It Seemed

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***August 2019***

The party isn't all that bad. I'm glad we came, but of course, Tom is off chatting with some beautiful girls, who hang on him and flirt. He doesn't even seem to mind. They're all laughing and having a good time.

It's weird.

Not knowing anyone but two people and being left to just...figure it out. I couldn't stand there and listen to them laugh and giggle at his corny jokes and watch him do his routine of charming everyone.

It's become thoroughly clear to me that Tom's previous interest this morning was simply out of boredom. He could ask me to dance. We could take a stroll on the beach in the moonlight, but he chooses pretty women over me.

"Why so sad, Tulip?"

"Oh...Emma- actually..." I correct the  tall gentleman with grey highlights in his beard and hair.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Watson. I heard you were hear...with...Tom?" He asks and looks around.

"Supposed to be. He's found other interests apparently." I gesture over to him and the women.

"Ah, yes. Siobhán and Madalyn.... they always hang out with Felton."


"Yeah. Sio has a big infatuation with him. During the last month and a half of filming- I caught them- snogging? Is that the English term for sex?" He asks confused and my heart twists hard in my chest.

"Shagging...actually." I correct him and watch Siobhán resting her head on his shoulder.

"Ah, shagging that's it. Yeah- last few months. Even heard Madalyn gave him a wank yesterday on set- kinda a goodbye kiss- in the trouser friendly kind of way."

"Really...good for him." I bite and sip my glass of wine I've been nursing.

"Oh yeah- girls love the sweet- funny guy. He plays it good too. Gets them laughing, serenades them, and leaves them cute little gifts in their trailers. I think if either girl found out he was shagging them both- I think they'd set is trailer on fire." His sips his drink and looks at me. "Course, filming a over now- so no worry for him."

"I didn't catch your name." I confess- letting my jealousy brew deep within my stomach.

"Aidan. Aidan Whytock." I shake his extended hand and glance at Tom, who receives a big hug from one of the girls. He holds her close and doesn't seem to see me staring daggers at him. "Ah look, they're hitting it off splendidly- all three of them."


"So are you Tom's girlfriend? He hasn't ever said."

"No...I'm just his friend. Nothing more than that." Apparently.

"Good- then he won't mind if I whisk you away to dance then. Everyone beautiful lady deserves to dance at a party." Taking his offered hand, he leads me to a hall inside where music rages and more couples are dancing- a bit more risqué than I would really enjoy. But regardless- I dance with Aidan.

We dance for what seems like hours and after a drink or two, it becomes a bit more raunchy- but at the same time- I'm having fun at least. Tom still doesn't seem to notice I'm gone.

Probably went off with one of his companions. As Aidan presses his hardening appendage into my arse, I'm less than a fan of it. Turning to him, I try to make light of the situation- because in moments like these- public moments- I must be professional.

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