Part 10: The Broken

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"I think this is the last of it for the kitchen." Ashley says as he brings in a box of China.

It was awkward.

Dexter discovering me hiding in Tom's study.

I wanted to curl up and die of embarrassment.

Not only did they interrupt what took Tom twenty years to finally have the courage to say- no matter what it was going to be- but they also managed to make me feel like a jerk: despite their best efforts of being cordial.

I've known them since I was 9. It's not hard read their thoughts. I mean, blimey- I spent most of my childhood in their home playing games and baking with their Mum and fishing with them.

I know them as well as I know my own brothers- and sisters for that matter.

No doubt they know every detail of what happened between Tom and I.

And no doubt they don't trust me being here after all of it.

But do I blame them?

"I think we're making good progress. It's only taken us 9 and a half hours." I say optimistically.

"Yeah. Would've taken us longer if ya weren't here to help." He says politely and the. Looks at me as he hands me a plate. "So...why are ya here Wats?"

Here we go.

The bigger brother interrogation.

"Ashley, I..."

"Come on Emma- ya have ya know you broke that poor boy's heart more than once. So when is it gonna be over?" Ashley has always been straightforward- where as Chris and John have always been a bit more delicate and aloof.

"I came to apologize." I briefly pick up a plate and wipe it off with a sanitizing wipe before handing it to him to put away.



"Em- my little brother is a lot of things. Goofy, smart, funny, caring- over all the best person one could ever hope to be around." He says and I think this is the first time I've ever heard him not make fun of his little brother. "I watched him go from a pain in my arse little brother- to one of my best friends. I've seen him at his happiest- which never seems to end for him some how- to having to worry that he may do something stupid that everyone would regret."

I can't breathe.

We as people tend to ignore what makes us uncomfortable and I can't say I haven't pretended once or twice not to see the slight slip into despair for Tom.

"I love you- Em. My whole family thinks you're wonderful...but I can't continue to sit back and watch this...this game of use my brother until something better comes along game you've been playing since you were kids." I can't help but get a little angry with him. "You need to sort out your priorities before anyone gets seriously hurt."


"Owwwww!!!!!!" A loud crash comes from down the hall and Ashley and I take off running.

"What the bloody Hell are you two doin' in here?!" As we enter, we find Tom on top of John in a pile of records and books and John writhing in pain- holding his shoulder. "Tom?! What'd you do?!"

"He started it!!" Tom yells and gets off of his brother.

"Fuck!!" John screams.

"Is it broken?" Tom asks- his red face now slowly draining all it's color.

"Yeah- probably- ya stupid Git." Ashley bends down and looks John over. "What possessed you to do that?! And why the Hell couldn't ya have done it as a kid?! Could've used that in rugby."

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