Part 12: Paradise

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Real serious conversations.

For once.

Sure, it starts through a joke or a face- but we're having them.

Tom is different in the best way it seems. Three days of lounging around the house with him and I feel like this Tom is one I never would have found if we didn't open up about our feelings.

Leo has been texting me and I have tried so hard to ignore them. I don't want to text him in front of Tom. I don't want Tom to think I still care about Leo in anyway.

All I have to do is go home, break up with him and continue this wonderful new life with the man of my dreams.

Bonnie asked me to lunch today and though I wanted to declines I figure a lunch and a photo of it will not give me away to Leo that I'm moving on.

Granted- this is technically cheating on him. Kissing Tom that is.

We haven't had sex yet- which though I'm excited for when it happens- I don't want to rush anything.

I've rushed in the past and built relationships around intercourse and obviously they never pan out the way I want them too. Leo for instance was originally a one night stand that turned into a year of on and off problems.

"So how did it go? I'm honestly surprised you're still in country." Bonnie says as she butters her roll and I sip champagne.

"Good." I try so hard to hide my excitement. I'm scared that if I come out with what happened and has been happening- that I will jinx myself.

"Just good? Hmm- they why haven't you stopped smiling like you have a secret you're dying to share?"

"I don't."

"You suck at lying. So spill it."

"He said it." I say and she furrows her brows- confused by what I mean.

"Said what? He was sorry?"

"Well yes, but that's not what I'm talking about." Leaning forward, she does as well and I look around quickly for some stupid reason. "He told me he loves me- like more than his best friend."

"Oh my gosh!!! I've waited for this day for you! Congrats!"

"My face hurts from smiling so much. I mean I was trying to spare him. I told him I didn't want to drag him down any more and as I was leaving he flew down that drive way and told me that he's always loved me."

"Can I make that into a movie please! Like just a hallmark type movie and you and Tom can play yourselves. Everyone would go and see it. We'd make millions."

"You're not profiting off of my twenty year struggling romance come true."

"Damn you, Watson." Laughing, the air around us fills with the aroma of our food coming out and I really just want to get home to Tom- but I am having a nice time with Bonnie. "So next question- what are you going to do about arsehole?"

"Well- I'm gonna go back to London in a few days and tell him it's over. Kick him out of my house and move forward with Tom."

"Your lunch ladies. Roasted chicken salad for you Miss Watson and your filet mignon, Miss Wright. Enjoy."

"Thank you, Mark. Do you think you'll need back up? I mean if he backhanded you that hard for a stupid fight- do you think he take being broken up with lightly?"

"I mean- I don't think he'll be cruel. I feel he's known it was coming. We were growing apart the last two months. That slap was the cherry on top of the messy cake." Poking my fork into a piece of chicken- I dip it in my honey mustard and take a bite. "Besides, I'm fairly certain he has a lady here in LA he sees when he comes home on business."

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