Chapter ninety four: The Boats

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Carson stopped the engine of the boat and moved out grabbing the rope that he tied a new loop in before tossing it to the docks before jumping over with his bag on, the water on the wooden dock made the wood a bit soggy but Carson knew it was fine. He went over grabbing the loop and put it over the metal hook before getting up and looked over seeing another boat but it didn't look like the other boats that were there, he went over and looked inside seeing a small bit of blood on the seat, he jumped into the boat and stopped himself from falling over, he saw it was a small fishing boat, he walked over seeing old medical supplise on the seat and picked it up looking at it, he thought about Shawn, trying to remember if he hurt him at all in the fight and remembered that he cut him, he looked into the boat before moving over, he looked over to the controls seeing a candy bar wrapper.

He moved over and picked it up holding it reading the name of it ''Coffee Crisp.'' he muttered and thought about who ate those having his eye brows narrowed then it hit him, he dropped the wrapper and went under into the boat looking around seeing drawings on the table, sketches, he picked one up and smiled seeing how well it looked of Alex also drawing seeing the picture Alex was drawing to the side ''Evin.'' he looked around ''Monte eats coffee crip's.'' he smiled and put the picture down before getting out of the bottom area and looked towards the buildings knowing they had to be around. He went to the side moving out landing on the dock before stopping, he looked back to the bloody bandaging ''Someone's wounded.'' he thought about that then looked around for a different boat that didn't fit anywhere and found it walking over, he looked inside seeing medical stuff as well, he hopped inside the boat and looked around before walking into the control centre area seeing nothing important but had a feeling this was Shawn's, meaning he was close on reaching both of them.

He turned and hopped out of the boat onto the dock again and walked down the dock towards the buildings seeing cars, he got up the small steps and looked around seeing broken glass, he went over and crouched down seeing the glass before standing up seeing it was only on one side telling him someone took a car. He looked around seeing other cars that he could take and knew he'd have an easier time following them in a car. He went over and looked around before seeing a smaller car and moved threw the cars getting to the one he saw and smashed the window on the drivers side with his left elbow, he reached inside unlocking it and opened the door taking his bag off as the rain poured, he tossed the bag inside before getting in and shut the door moving his hood off before checking for key's but threre weren't any, he reached under with his left hand and pulled the wires out he sat up and took his knife out before looking around not seeing anything, no walkers or people making him a bit suspicious.

He got his knife out and reached under cutting the wires before bringing the knife up placing it on the dash as the rain hit the windsheld, he reached under and tried moving his arm clenching his jaw shut he sparked it moving his left arm only before hearing it turn on, he moved back leaning into the seat panting a bit holding his right arm with his left. He pushed air out and grabbed the knife putting it away before looking down to his side placing his left hand on it putting his head back ''You better have a candy bar waiting for me.'' he muttered sitting up and grabbed the seat belt buckling up.

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