Chapter forty seven: The Animal

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Evin sat down in the revolving chair and picked up a piece of paper resting on the radio and looked over at the guy who he had with his hands tied behind him and tape over his mouth, Evin flicked the paper out a bit and leaned back putting his left arm over the back of the chair holding his switch blade ''Febuary nineth.. Today.'' he stated and looked over to the guy before looking to the paper ''The asian couple were seen in your area yesterday, I want your men scouting the buildings around you incase they're hiding out there, they've been taking out more and more of us, stop them, and take the kids for the group, they'll grow up with us, we'll train them as our own.'' he stated and chuckled a bit looking at him ''First thing, they aren't a couple, secondly.'' he put the paper back and sat up moving the seat towards the guy with his feet and leaned in ''He wouldn't be stupid enough to have a hideout close to a lookout post.'' he stated looking at him, the guy glared at him.

Evin reached into his pocket and took out another note and held the folded piece of paper up for him to see ''I got this from a girl named Jamie, on it she wrote the location of you guys, then she begged for me not to kill her.'' the guy got more angry, Evin smiled a bit ''I didn't.'' the guy looked at him confused ''The walker I let into the building got her, I know this for a fact cause I left her tied up and heard her screaming.'' he stated and straightened his back unfolding the note as the guy struggled leaning towards him, Evin held it infront of him before reading it ''There's a small note for you written here, he stated and leaned over placing it on the guy's lap before pushing away with his leg's. Evin looked at the radio wondering if any of his people had a way of hearing something, he looked up at the map seeing a couple of building's with numbers ''What do these mean?'' he asked pointing to the map and looked over seeing a tear fall to the note.

Evin rolled his eye's and went over picking the note up and crumpled it tossing it then grabbed his hair lifting his head pressing it to the wall ''Map, what do the number's mean, do you know?'' he asked and let go of his hair waiting, the guy didn't give a response. Evin got up and kicked the chair away behind him before crouching down ''As much as I would like to kill you, I need stuff from you, so it's eaither I go get a zombie and let him chow down on you or you talk.'' he stated, the guy nodded and Evin smiled a bit ''Do you know what the numbers mean?'' he asked again, the guy nodded, Evin grabbed his hair and lifted his head taking the tape away flicking it to the side ''What do they mean?'' he asked, the guy hung his head again ''There lookouts.'' he stated, Evin sat down crossing his leg's infront of the guy ''How many people at each?'' he asked looking at him, the guy smiled and raised his head leaning it to the wall ''To many for one person.'' Evin thought about that and smiled ''How about four?'' he asked, the guy looked at him confused ''There's the asian, the one with him, and two others.'' the guy shook his head ''No, everything comes through here we would've heard about two more.'' Evin smiled ''Their sneaky.'' he stated, the guy looked at him then turned his head.

''We all are, how'd you think I got in here?'' he stated and looked to the map knowing he would be taking it when he left ''Since that note was probably you relaying the message and it came today, it means their probably long gone by now, and your going to help me out a bit.'' he stated, the guy looked at him ''Why would I?'' he asked, Evin smiled ''Zombies, hell I'm pretty sure one of your friends I killed wasn't by killing them in the brain, there probably going to wake up soon.'' he stated and looked at his watch ''What's wrong with you?'' Evin smiled ''To many things.'' he stated and looked back to him ''You said everything come's through here, what do you mean?'' he asked, the guy stated at him and Evin smiled bringing the switch blade up and stabbed him in the knee causing him to yelp ''Supplies, messages, people... Everything.'' Evin shook his head ''You said specifically that all messages came through here, messages about what?'' he asked, the guy was quiet, Evin moved the knife towards him hitting his knee cap ''Fuck, I donno, lot's of fucking messages, trespassers, trucks coming and going with food.'' the guy stated and hit his head on the wall bitting his tongue.

''Have you send patrols to the guy seen around here?'' the guy shook his head ''No, I was about to until a lunatic showed up.'' Evin took the blade out the way it was and he stomped his other foot onto the ground ''Fuck!'' Evin got up ''How many people are in the other lookouts?'' he asked turning away ''I don't know.'' Evin turned and he flinched ''I don't know, people from the headquarters come and go from lookout's, one day there will be ten, other's twenty.'' Evin looked at him then looked a tha map ''Headquarters.'' the guy hung his head groaning, Evin looked at him and took one step he flinched again ''I'm thinking alright?'' Evin squinted his eye's and walked over moving him forward before reaching behind him where his hands were and took the small piece of wood away from him that he was using to cut away at the rope, Evin crouched and took his pistol out pressing it to his head ''Really?'' the guy sighed ''Ten.'' Evin looked over to the map seeing the number and stood up having the gun out putting his switch blade away.

The guy hung his head again trying to squease his hands out of the rope that was also around the metal bar connecting to the heater in this room and sighed again seeing he wasn't getting out of this ''Anything else you'd like from me?'' Evin thought about it then looked over at him, he switched which hand the pistol was in before aiming at him ''No.'' he stated and pulled the trigger looking at the map.

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