Chapter eighty six: The Checkpoint

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Jonathan looked around especially on the ground between the car's as they aproched what looking like a military checkpoint, a fairly big one at that, taking up half of the road ''Why did they think these thing's would work?'' Vivian questioned walking through the cars behind Jon and LJ with Aviana behind her watching their backs. Jonathan saw it was clear of traps and looked at the door's into the checkpoint with white paint on them ''They lied.'' he muttered, LJ stood next to him looking at the white paint ''Military?'' Jon thought about it ''I mean, they technically did.'' he stated and truend fast hearing something only to see a deer run along the street, Vivian and Aviana looked over, LJ looked to Jon seeing he was still on edge on every noise. He reached his hand and touched Jon's arm making Jon turn back fast and calm down seeing it was just LJ and nodded ''I'm good.'' he stated and went to the door's seeing a cord from the big yellow construction light's wrapped around the handles, he turned to LJ who nodded bringing his revlover up, Jon unwrapped the cord bringing the bat he found up and held the handle before opening the door raising the bat and froze.

There were bodies, everywhere, some in piles while other's were laying where they probably died, LJ looked at him before opening the door more and saw why he froze, Jonathan stepped inside lowering the bat looking at the bodies before counting them, LJ stepped in looking at them all, Jon turned a bit looking at more ''There's gotta be at least twenty bodies.'' Jon stated and looked to LJ, he looked at all the bodies before turning and looking outside ''The military do this?'' LJ asked, Jon looked around before walking over to one of the bodies and crouched down turning him over ''Light.'' LJ looked over before looking back outside and tossed his flashlight to Jon, he reached over picking it up and shined it on the body before getting up and shinned the light around at the other ones ''They are military.'' LJ turned looking at him ''All of them, military soldiers.'' Jon stated and turned looking at the bodies behind him ''You telling me someone attacked this place, killing every military soldier?'' Jon looked down at the bodies ''A group of people.'' Jon said and went to LJ turning the light off and shut the door moving LJ away and looked to him ''We need to get the fuck out of Cleveland.'' he stated and looked around before walking to the side of the checkpoint, LJ followed them ''This could've been that cult you were talking about.'' LJ stated as the girls followed ''Those people wouldn't just kill a bunch of soldie's or, at least they didn't look like they would.'' he stated and got to the other side looking down the road turning to LJ ''There are group's forming and it's not good, we need to get far away from cities.'' he stated and thought about it more, Aviana and Vivian got to the back of the checkpoint and looked at the two.

''Where would we even go? There's cities all around the US, some towns would be considered cities.'' Jonathan thought before shaking his head ''Nashville?'' Jon suggested looking at them, they stared at him ''Random, why Nashville?'' Vivian asked looking to him, Jonathan shrugged ''We could head there, it's kind of in the way of anyone coming through the US, meaning we might run into the others.'' Aviana informed looking at them, Jon nodded liking the answer ''But, it's also in the way of other people who might be walking through the US.'' Aviana added, Jon nodded understanding ''If we can get a place away from major roads after finding at least someone, I'd call that a win.'' Jonathan stated and looked around before walking, LJ jestered the girls to walk ahead of them so they did, then LJ placed his hand on his chest shutting his eye's scrunching his nose as he breathed before lowering his hand and followed after them.

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