Chapter forty eight: The Hunted

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Evin stepped inside the small corner store and looked around before looking to his right seeing a shopping cart and moved over putting his bat in the small area behind the handle and pulled it out of it's spot before pushing it down one of the isles hearing one of the wheel's shaking, he sighed figuring it was just his luck, he turned hearing a slight bang on the window seeing it was a walker, he leaned over a bit seeing it's face and saw it's eye's, seeing a red ring around the coloured part, he leaned back and looked at it before turning forward and pushing the cart, he looked at the shelf picking up a small can and read it seeing tuna and scrunched his nose up before tossing it behind him, he got the end of the isle so he turned and looked at the shelving to his right before grabbing an old bag of bread, he held it and crushed the bread seeing it was still somewhat fresh, he smiled and put it into his cart, he looked down the isle seeing nothing so moved to the next looking and saw nothing.

He got to the back of the store and kept pushing the cart to the left and looked to the right seeing doors where drink's would've been, he looked inside before opening one of them and grabbed a water bottle that was there, he smiled putting it in the cart and kept going, he go past the middle empty area of the store and to the other, once he got there he heard a shot and looked over seeing the zombie hit the glass and fall before crouching down. He moved around his cart and heard the door open to the store, he went to the end of his isle and looked over to the convex mirror seeing there were three people who came in ''You wasited a bullet.'' Evin heard the female speak and could tell they didn't know he was in here ''It's fine, still have five more.'' Evin moved around the shelf keeping an eye on the convex mirror as he moved seeing one of them walking towards him, he peeked around the corner and the guy saw him ''He's in here!'' he yelled and brought the gun up shooting, Evin moved back and went to the back of the store, the woman cut him off, he grabbed his bat running past his cart and swung hitting her in the head, then grabbed a can tossing it at the guy coming at him from the other side.

The woman turned back grabbed Evin pushing him back, pinning him to the glass door's, Evin kneed her in the gut before grabbing her head and pushing against her then pushing her towards the glass, her head went through the glass, shattering it, she pulled away as blood gusshed from her neck and Evin saw a broken piece of the glass had stabbed her in the neck, he turned pulling his pistol out shooting the guy in the leg before getting hit in the back of the head with a bat and fell to the ground. Evin tried pushing off the ground but got kicked in the gut, before getting kicked in the face causing his head to turn around, he felt the guy take his bag off before walking over, helping his friend up. Evin pushed off the ground and looked over seeing them leave, he pushed off the ground fully and grabbed his gut picking his pistol and bat up before walking over setting the bat into the cart and took a flare gun out of his back pocket before leaving the store knowing they wouldn't go far, he turned seeing them go into an alleyway that had a gate infront of it.

He walked over and got there looking over to them seeing the one guy move his bag infront of him while his friend sat on the ground, Evin stood there and the two looked over, Evin raised the gun aiming into the alleyway further before pulling the trigger, the flare flew the back hitting the wall and hit the ground. Evin pulled the gate door shut and took the key out after locking it and stepped back as the guy got there, he looked back down the alley hearing walkers and saw one turn the corner turning back to Evin ''Bag.'' he simply said looking at the guy, the guy went over picking the bag up before tossing it over ''Keys.'' he stated and held his hand out ''Which lookout are you from?'' he asked seeing they knew who he was, the guy sighed and looked at him ''Come on dude.'' Evin shook his head ''Which one?" he asked, the guy sighed and looked back seeing it was a small horde ''Five.'' Evin opened his hands holding the one key that could get them out before dropping them to the ground, he moved to his left and tossed the flare gun to the side picking his bag up holding his ribs before walking back towards the small store to grab his bat, gun, and the two thing's he got from it.

He entered the store and went to the back picking up the bat and placed the bag in the cart before getting the bread and putting it inside along with the water, before moving the bag to his back and turned heading for the front door. He stepped out and heard the screams to his right, he then started walking forward away from the gate and store.

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