| 11 | Percy Wins an Emmy

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"Professor! I mean Percy!" Draco yelled out. He was stumbling after having shoved the doors to the classroom open.

Percy slashed through the IM with Annabeth as soon as he heard his door opening. "What's wrong?" Percy shot up out of his chair from the state of his student.

"The Headmistress asked to see you. She found Harry talking through her fire and had the inquisitorial squad restrain him and his friends. I- I know Potter and I have our differences, but..."

"It's alright, Draco. I'll handle this. Thank you for getting me."

The two hastily made their way to Umbridge's office and Percy knocked on the door. When it opened, he found Harry and his friends being held back by members of the inquisitorial squad, just as Draco had described. Having an idea of why Umbridge sought him out specifically, he plastered an emotionless expression on his face and a cold glare in his eyes.

"You wanted to see me, Dolores?" Percy stated, more than asked.

"Ah, Professor Jackson," said Umbridge, smiling widely. "Yes, I need your help, please," she said in a sickly sweet manner.

"Why have you summoned me?" Percy showed his slight agitation. "I was in the middle of a very important conversation with... a very important person. It did not please either of us to be interrupted." Not a complete lie. He was having an important conversation about when he'd see his Wise Girl in person. And Annabeth was a very important person to him. And both were certainly annoyed at the interruption.

Umbridge was a little taken back at that. Her confidence wavered too, but she shoved it down and spoke with a demanding voice. "I wouldn't have interrupted, had I known, but I require your services."

"Oh?" Percy chuckled in an unamused way. "Do tell. What are you requiring of me?" Percy said in a dark tone as he took slow steps over to her, stopping less than a foot from her face. The stride made him look like a prowling predator and Umbridge his prey.

Umbridge stepped back a good meter and steadied her shaking hands before answering. "I've caught the boy using my fireplace to communicate, no doubt conspiring with Dumbledore. I thought your methods of interrogation would be useful."

Percy then rounded on Harry. "Indeed," he said slowly. Harry knew Percy wouldn't harm him. He knew that the professor was a good guy, but that didn't stop him from visibly shivering under his glare.

"Mr. Potter," Percy said slowly. He decided to act like the worst teacher he knew: Mrs. Dodds, his pre-algebra teacher who turned out to be Alecto, the fury.

"You've been giving us problems, boy," Percy said.

Harry, not really knowing how to respond, said, "Yes, sir."

Percy rolled up the sleeves to his button-down shirt revealing his SPQR tattoo to all but Umbridge who saw the dark mark. "Did you really think you'd get away with it?"

The look in his eyes was so cold it froze everyone in place. No one in the room moved. They were all holding their breaths. Those who knew Percy's secret had to tell themselves he wouldn't hurt Harry, but their doubts crept back in at the sight of his stare.

"Sir, I- I wasn't..."

The sudden boom of Percy's voice made the students and even Umbridge jump back.

"I am not a fool, Harry Potter," Percy said menacingly, "It was only a matter of time before I found you out. Confess, and you'll suffer less pain."

Harry wasn't sure how to get out of this, so he just stood there and didn't say anything.

"Well?" Percy demanded. After a beat, he sent a knowing look towards Hermione, asking her to come up with a plan because Harry was out of ideas.

"Sir, I don't..."

"Time is up," Percy snarled, hoping Hermione would step in soon.

"The Cruciatus Curse ought to loosen his tongue," Umbridge suggested quietly.

"No!" shrieked Hermione. "Professor Jackson — it's illegal!"

Umbridge had a nasty smear on her face that no one had seen before as Percy raised his wand.

«Sygnómi» Percy apologized in Greek.

«Cruc-» Percy started to chant the Cruciatus Curse, which translates to "torture" in Latin, slowly. He has only ever used nonverbal magic, so Hermione knew he was telling her how much time she really had by speaking the curse out loud. Percy really hoped Hermione would hurry up with her plan because otherwise, he was about to bring a lot of pain to someone. Of course, he was going to release the spell on Umbridge, not Harry, but Percy didn't want to torture someone if he could help it. Even if the pink lady deserved it.

"NO!" Hermione shouted again in a cracked voice, thankfully interrupting the spell. "No — Harry — Harry, we'll have to tell them!"

All her friends—Luna, Ginny, Ron, Neville, and Harry—stared at her disbelievingly. They didn't know what secret she was about to give up, but they didn't like seeing their friend losing her resolve. Hermione was crying at this point, but after hanging around the Aphrodite campers, Percy could tell these were fake tears. All an act. All for show. Thank the gods she was brilliant!

"Tell us what?" Umbridge questioned impatiently.

"We were trying to contact Professor Dumbledore..."

Percy saw her friend's eyes go wide at the realization that she was feeding Umbridge lies. Before she could notice, Percy drew the attention to himself.

"You know where Albus is, then?" he spoke suddenly. All eyes now on him.

"Well... no!" Umbridge deflated in anticipation and inflated in anger. "But — we needed to tell him about something important!"

"Yes?" said Umbridge with a resurgence of excitement. "What did you need to tell him?"

"We- we had t-to inform him the w-weapon was r-ready!" Hermione spoke through false sobs.

"Weapon? What weapon?!" Umbridge yelled harshly as she wrapped her stubby hands around the girl's shoulders.

"Lead us to the weapon," Percy said commandingly, hoping this would get Umbridge to release Hermione.

"Yes!" Umbridge all but squealed. "Show us!"

As the other Slytherins moved to follow Hermione, Percy held out his hand to signal them to stop.

"I think it best, Dolores, that you and I handled this matter. We best take Mr. Potter along too. But leave the rest. We can surely handle two wandless teenagers."

"All right," she relented, assuming this was something that interested or involved the Dark Lord. "Lead the way."

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