| 16 | Keeping Hope

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Percy made his way to the courtyard by the bridge like everyone else. They saw the horde of Death Eaters behind Voldemort. Hagrid was carrying the limp body of Harry Potter in his arms.

Ginny's agonizing cry was the only thing you could hear.


Ginny tried to run towards him, but her father, Arthur Weasley, stopped her before Voldemort killed her too.

"SILENCE! Foolish girl!" Voldemort's voice rang through the air. "Harry Potter is dead," he said. Then he started laughing. "Harry Potter is dead!"

The other Death Eaters were laughing with him now. Voldemort continued on his speech about being the best and letting people join him. No one moved forward. Not even Draco despite the pleas of his father.

Tears fell on the wizards' faces, staining their cheeks with the pain of losing loved ones and losing hope. But the demigods looked to Nico. The silent question asked: is Harry really dead? His response was a subtle but clear shake of the head: no.

Percy motioned for the demigods to back up behind the wizards. He had a feeling their services were coming to a close.

Leaning over to whisper in Will Solace's ear, he said, "gather our injured and any campers from after the Second Giant War. Take them to the ship. Tell Frank he should take the younger Romans away too."

Will hurried off to do as instructed. As silently and discreetly as possible, they withdrew to the ship. Only the most seasoned veteran campers remained.

The demigods watched in anticipation for Harry's big reveal. But more surprising to Percy was Neville.

"People die every day," Percy heard him say, "but they're still with us." Neville pointed to his heart, "In here! Where hope resides!" Standing taller and more confidently than Percy had ever seen before, Neville spoke to the crowd of Death Eaters with friends to back him up. "We will make sure Harry doesn't die in vain. Because it's not over!" At that proclamation, Neville pulled the sword of Gryffindor out of the sorting hat.

He held it expertly and brandished it for all to see. A few spells were cast his way, but he deflected them all with the sword. The remaining demigods cheered for Neville and brandished their own weapons. That's when Harry rolled out of Hagrid's arms.

He got up and volleyed spells with Voldemort. The students and staff cheered with delight as many Death Eaters traveled away. Percy saw Draco and his mother defending the Weasleys from Bellatrix Lestrange, but it was Molly Weasley who dealt the final blow and killed her. Draco still had doubts about his choice, but the proud look he saw on Percy's face cleared those thoughts away.

Not having wands, the demigods used their shields to protect as many as they could while wizards and witches shot spells around them.

Percy drew his own wand and fought the remaining Death Eaters. Soon it was only Voldemort left. But that was Harry's fight.

Two blinding beams of light collided, spewing magic everywhere. The collision made a bang louder than cannon fire. To everyone watching, the battle for dominance lasted mere seconds; to Voldemort and Harry, it lasted a lifetime.

Finally, Harry's magic overpowered Voldemort's. The elder wand flew into the air, caught by Harry's skills as a seeker. Voldemort was so weakened at this point that his body crumpled into specks of dust and blew away in a strong breeze.

It was over. The war was finally over. Cheers erupted from wizard and witch and demigod alike. The air was too heavy with death for anyone to properly celebrate, but they relished in this moment of glee.

Percy ushered the remaining demigods to the boat and had the portkey take them back to America. Percy said he would apparate himself back after saying his goodbyes.

"You've done more than I could have ever asked for, Percy. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Minerva. Good luck running the school."

"If you ever want a job away from the fighting, let me know."

"I'll keep that in mind," Percy replied with a smile.

Next, Percy went up to Neville.

"You did good, Neville. I told you you were brave. It took courage standing up to Voldemort like that. Skillfully with a sword too. And it took strength to not only hold on to hope but also inspire others to not let her go."

"Thanks, Professor," Neville beamed, albeit a bit shyly.

"Percy is fine. I haven't been your professor for a few years."

"With all due respect, you'll always be our professor. Everyone missed you and your class, you know. Even if they didn't show my  vu appreciation then, they did after you left."

"That's nice to hear. I saw it came in handy on the battlefield and that's what matters. It saved lives."

"You saved lives."

Percy didn't want to take any credit, so he smoothly transitioned the conversation away from himself. "And now you get to figure out what to do with your life."

"I think... I'll be a professor. Herbology."

"You'll be a great professor, Neville," Percy said kindly.

"Thanks. How long will you stay?"

"I have a good amount of vacation time. I'll spend a little of it here, but Annabeth really wants to go to Paris again and I can't say no to my fiancée, now can I?"

"You're engaged?!"

Percy laughed, "Yeah, I proposed when I returned home three years ago. We plan to get married this summer actually."


"Wow indeed, my friend."

Percy had more heartfelt goodbyes over the next few days. He helped clean the rubble and checked on the forest inhabitants. Once all was well, or as well as it could be after a major war, Percy disapparated from Hogwarts and apparated in front of Camp Half-Blood where Annabeth was waiting with two packed suitcases.

"How are they doing?"

"They'll recover. It'll take time, but they'll recover. You ready?"

"I'm always ready for Paris, Percy!"

"Together?" Percy asked, extending his arm.

"Together," Annabeth affirmed, taking hold of the offered arm.

They both laughed as Percy disapparated them from Half-Blood Hill.

Once again, he didn't look back.

~The End~

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