| 03 | Possible Proposals

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Percy immediately went to his cabin to IM Annabeth about the wizards with pointy hats and pointy sticks and pointy beards (ok, he knew they didn't all have pointy silver beards, but the man he just met was the epitome of a wizard).

"Hey, Percy! I was expecting a call later but perfect timing. I just got through my mom's collection on Ancient Egyptian monuments."

"Great! Yeah, I was going to call later, but I need your help!"

"With what?" Annabeth was growing concerned at Percy's frantic demeanor.

"Wizards are real! The sticks and the brooms and everything! And then this dude who's apparently friends with Chiron and a legacy of Hecate and a headmaster, whatever that is, of some school where they learn their spells and stuff offered me a job to teach, but they're preparing for a war, and I don't want to be in another war, but they need help, or that's what he tells me, I'm not certain yet, but Lady Hecate came too, so it must be important, but why me? I mean-"

"Perce, calm down! You haven't even taken a breath. Can you start from the beginning and explain it again?"

So he did. They spent the next 30 minutes discussing the new information. Most of it was Annabeth posing questions to which Percy responded with "I don't know" over and over again.

"So... what should I do?"

"I can't tell you that. But I can tell you that I support your decision, just like you supported mine. We're already separated, what's the ocean gonna do? Keep us apart? No, definitely not when you're the son of Poseidon. Look, Percy. You've got a good heart. It sounds cheesy, but do what you think is right. I'll be here for you always."

"Thanks, Wise Girl. What would I do without you?"

"Probably get lost or killed or-," Annabeth joked.

"Haha, very funny," Percy said while rolling his eyes. "I love you, Annabeth Chase."

"I love you, Percy Jackson."

When the call ended, Percy was glad he had reached out for her advice. She didn't tell him what to do. She didn't even make a pros and cons list like she normally did. She just listened and offered her support. She knew he would make the right decision, so she let him make it. That was one of the many reasons he was glad to cash in his favor from Hephaestus.

You see, a couple of weeks ago, Hephaestus was having some problems with a prototype of his. It was a celestial bronze sphere that could fly around and shoot out fire. It was supposed to be a transportable space heater, but things got out of hand pretty quickly. Percy had successfully taken it down, but not after getting some serious burns. Thankfully, it wasn't anything the Apollo cabin couldn't handle. In exchange, Hephaestus offered him a favor, one that Percy was quick to use. He asked Hephaestus to make him an engagement ring for Annabeth.

It was to be a platinum band that resembled wrapped owl wings with a magnificent sea-green jadeite stone centered in a trident. The final product will be indestructible and will reappear on Annabeth's finger, much like Anaklusmos. Also like Percy's pen, the ring would be able to transform into an unbreakable dagger with a jade hilt if she flicked it or twisted it 180°. It'll be made of the special silver that the Hunters of Artemis use, so it can kill monsters. The dagger was designed to transform back into a ring on her finger if she twisted the pommel, the rounded knob on the end of the handle, or lost it.

Hephaestus was still working on it because it took Percy forever to design, but in a few hours, it would be ready. Percy wanted to propose as soon as possible, but he suspected he should wait until a moment presented itself. Right now she was on Olympus and he was about to become a professor. Percy had made the final decision after having a similar conversation to Annabeth's with his mom and Paul. It was time to let Chiron know.

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