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We look at each other with confusion. Ms. Granada walks I with a girl next to her. "Hello children. This is Missy. She will be joining you guys today." Ms. Granada says. Me and Wildcard look at each other with confusion. He shrugs it off and looks back at her. "Keep studying and stay quiet. Also...no powers." She glared at all of us. We all nod and turn back to our laptop. She closed the door as Missy sat on a chair in the front. We all giggle when she jolts up with confusion. "Shh" noodle shushes all of us and stretches his neck to the door to hear if Ms. Granada is gone. "She's gone" Noodle whispers, we all jump up and play around. Wheels wheeled himself towards Missy. "Did you see her face?" Wildcard laughs. I mimic her face when she sat on the water. We start laughing. "Gosh that was the best thing. She looked like Noodles when I did the same to him." I giggle. "You put water on his seat?" He laughs in amazement. I nod while laughing. "Hey noodles!" Wildcard yells. Noodles looks our way and nods. "Did Y/n really get your butt wet?" He laughs out. Noodles huffs and nods ,crossing his arms. Wildcard looks at me and starts laughing harder. A few minutes later our laughter dyes down.

"Ms. A Capella will you please not use your high voice. Every dog in the neighbourhood is surrounding the headquarters." Ms. Granada says through the loudspeaker. We all giggle. Then A Capella sang low enough for the chairs float.

Noodles got so mad at something he broke the table. I sigh and look at Wildcard. He just crosses his arms. I nudged his shoulder playfully. He smiles and watches the scene.

Wheels and Missy head our way. "This is Y/n-." "Wildcard is the only one who calls me by my real name." I cut Wheels off. "Ok, well this is Temp." Wheels gestures to me. "What are your powers?" Missy asks me. "I can control ice," I freeze a journal on my desk. "And fire." I set the journal on fire, making the ice melt to water. Her eyes went wide. "Oh and sorry for the hole seat thing." I chuckle nervously. "I didn't think anyone was going to sit there." I said. "It's fine, it'll dry off soon." She shrugs. "And this is our famous leader ,Wildcard." Wheels gestures to Wildcard. "There isn't a single power in the world he does not have." Wheels says amazingly. Missy looks at Wildcard with an and expression I can't figure out. "It's true." Wildcard smirks. "Sure he has every power imaginable, but since he can't focus his energy, they show up randomly." Facemaker says while smirking. Wildcard's smile fades. "Also true." Wildcard points at Facemaker ,with his arms still crossed. "Until now that is." He smirks at Missy. "TELEPORT!!" He yells at the book, but it catches on fire. I chuckle at this. "You'll get it soon." I pat his shoulder. "Temp and Wildcard are inseparable." Wheels says to Missy. Wildcard huffs. "You gonna cry now." I whisper to Wildcard. "Shut up." He grumbles.

A few seconds later a water fire truck floats in front of Wildcard. Wildcard just stares at it. "And last ,but definitely not least, Guppy." Wheels smiles at Guppy as she drops the water on the book; making a splash of water go on us. Wildcard just stared at the book. "Look...you'll get it soon enough." I place my hand on Wildcard's shoulder. "Yeah, yeah, you say that every time I see you, and it never happens." He mumbles. "Just keep trying." I pat his shoulder and walk to a beanbag chair.

"So new girl! What your superpower?" Wildcard walks to Missy. "Yeah, with the whole power thing-..." she starts but Facemaker cuts her off. "Wait a minute. I remember you, you're Marcus Moreno's kid." Facemaker exclaims amazed. "Yeah, my dad hasn't been going on missions for a while, so...I've been chilling with the normal kids." Missy says awkwardly. I tilt my head sideways with confusion, the it hit me. "Why would they put a kid with superpowers in with normal kids?" Wildcard asks confused. "She doesn't have any powers." I stand up and walk next to Missy. Wheels looks at her shocked. "You're powerless?" His eyes went wide. "Whatever, can we put on the TV? I wanna see if they're is any news about our parents." She sighs and sits in her seat. I look at Wildcard and go sit in my seat next to him. A few seconds later he joins me.

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