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𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚕𝚢 𝚘𝚗 𝚙𝚝 10:
I was just starting to think...maybe my sister didn't hate me." Rewind says looking down. "I don't hate you."Fastforward says to her brother. "I love you." Both say in sync.

"That love we feel..." Missy says. I look at Facemaker to see that he is crying as much as I am. "It's real.." Missy says wiping her tears. "And it's that love...that'll get us out of here." Missy holds up her hand. "Why are you guys saying all this stuff. It's almost like you want everyone to cry....oh!"Guppy said. "Guppy, quick, gather all the tears." Missy puts her fingers out to Guppy. Guppy gathers all the tears as everyone wipes their tears on their fingers. "Wow ,Y/n, didn't know you where sensitive." Wildcard smirks at me. "I cried on purpose I grumble. "Mhm, sure....about what you said earlier..." Wildcard looks directly in my eyes. "I didn't mean it....I mean, I guess I was a little jealous of you and Missy." I tell him.

Suddenly the door open. "Come on, let's go!" Missy yells as we run out. "Wheels how much time do we have?" Missy asks. "18 minutes." He tells her.  "Well then, we need to hurry if we want to stop the takeover." Missy says ,walking ahead. "Us? Are you nuts? We have to go free our parents and let them handle it." Wildcard tells Missy. "We don't have time for that. By the time we get there—." "No! I'm through listening to you! When I woke up this morning, everything was perfect then you come along and everything's a mess." Wildcard yells at Missy. "Wildcard don't you think—." I say before Wildcard cuts me off. "No, Y/n! Even you admit that you're jealous of her!" He yells at me. "I didn't say I'm jealous of her tasking the lead!" I yell back. "If little miss No-Powers is who you want as a leader, fine, follow her straight into Alienville. But Facemaker, Y/n, and I are gonna go get our parents." Wildcard pulls me and Facemaker next to him. "We are?" Facemaker whispers. "I didn't sign up for this." I whisper to Wildcard. "Yes. Right now." Wildcard pulls us with him as we run. "Guys, we have to stick together." Missy calls after us. "Sorry Missy." I yell back.

"Are you insane?" I tell Wildcard. "Yeah, I don't understand. Why did we split up? Where are we going? How do you know our parents are this way?" Facemaker asks. "Ok, this is good." Wildcard says standing in the middle of a big hallway. "What do you mean, 'this is good'?" I ask. "Are you questioning my authority?" Wildcard snaps at us. "Uh...I don't even know what we're talking about." Facemaker says. "Really? The confused thing? That's what you're going with?" Wildcard pushes Facemaker. "Whoa ,calm down!" I tell Wildcard. "No! I'm not gonna calm down!" Wildcard pushes me. "Why was I even dragged into this?!" I push him back. "Don't you dare push me!" He pushes me harder making me fall backwards and hit my head. "Fine!" I yell back. "Me and Temp—." "It's Y/n." I cut Facemaker off. "Me and Y/n are gonna find Missy." Facemaker yells at Wildcard. We walk off to a different direction than Wildcard.

"This is complete bull. Why would Wildcard betray us like that? If he wanted to fight us he shouldn't have brought us here in the first place." I start mumbling nonsense. "Y/n, stop mumbling grumbling, already." Facemaker groans. I huff and kept my mouth shut.

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