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𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚕𝚢 𝚘𝚗 𝚙𝚝 1:
"You're powerless?" His eyes went wide. "Whatever, can we put on the TV? I wanna see if they're is any news about our parents." She sighs and sits in her seat. I look at Wildcard and go sit in my seat next to him. A few seconds later he joins me.

Wheels turns on the TV News and everyone sits down in their seats. Sharkboy comes on the TV and everyone cheers. "Moments later Lavagirl blasts out of a active volcano." The lady on the TV says happily. "Go sharkboy and Lavagirl!" Guppy cheers happily for her parents. The Mayer shows on the TV and I roll my eyes.

Then a yellow flash cuts through the red ribbon. "Did you see that? Of course you didn't. That means it's none other than blindingfast, the fastest Heroic on the planet." The lady says. "Go, Dad!" Slowmo says slow ,yet happily. "And here comes crushing low!" She exclaims ,as a superhero crashes into the building. "And there goes the mayor's building." The guy on the TV says. Everyone cheers. "Pass the popcorn. This battle's gonna be epic!" Wildcard says to slowmo excitedly. Slowmo slowly passes the popcorn, but Wildcard not impatient and took it. "Half of the popcorn spilled on the floor." I whisper to him. He slightly pushes it in front of me making me get some. "You're lucky I'm sharing ,Y/n." He whispers to me, with his eyes on the TV.

All the superhero's pop up on the TV. I smile at my parents on the TV. Miracle guy crashes into the ground. Everyone gasps. "No one has ever taken him down." Noodle says shocked. Just then Sharkboy came crashing. We watch as Sharkboy and Miracle guy get captured. Then Rewind and Fastforward's parents get captured. "Mom!" Rewind yells. "Dad!" Fastforward yells worried. Facemaker's dad gets captured. Rewind rewinds the TV to their parents getting captured, but Fastforward fast Forward it to the part we left off. "I want to see it again." Rewind glares at his twin. "And I don't want to see it again." Fastforward sasses. Ms. Box got taken away while she was trying to sing them away. Lavagirl tried to fire them away, but hit Tech-No. I cover my mouth and Wildcard gasps, as the aliens take away Lavagirl and Tech-no. Guppy whimpers and puts her head on the desk. I frown feeling pity for Wildcard and Guppy.

Then my parents show up on the screen. My eyes went wide fear written all over my face. I lean forward a bit to get a better look. My dad shooting fireballs at the aliens ,but one of the aliens dodged them and grabbed my dad. I spotted my mom screaming for my dad. She got so angry that she went full on rage. She was to focused on the aliens in front of her that she didn't see one behind her. It snatched her and took her in the ship. "No!" my lip quivered and a few tears slipped out of my eyes. Wildcard glanced at me and took my hand softly. He gave it a tiny squeeze.

blindingfast appeared on the screen, circling around the aliens. "There is now way they can get Blindingfast. He-." Before Wheels can finish, an alien snacked Blindingfast. Slowmo gasp slowly. A tear slipped out of Slowmo's eye dramatically. "It's all up to Marcus Moreno now" the male said on the TV. Missy sat up straighter. Missy's bracelet beeps. "Dad? Dad we had a deal!" She yells into the bracelet. Wildcard and I glanced at each other. Moreno says something ,but I can't exactly make it out. He grabs his swords. "Dad? Dad, run! Get out of there!" Missy says worried. "Dad!" She yells with fear. Then Moreno jumps into the aliens and gets captured. Missy whimpers and plops back in her chair. She puts her head in the desk like Guppy did. "This is unbelievable, unimaginable." The lady on the TV said. "The Heroics have falling." The male said. I gave Wildcard's hand and tiny squeeze.

The president popped up in the screen. "People of America. As you've heard, the Heroics have been captured. Military forces are stepping in, mobilizing to get our heroes back, but while it looks hopeless...it's bad—hopelessly bad." He says. I furrow my eyebrows. "Oh jeez." I scoff. "How did he even become president? He can't even put 2 sentences together." Facemaker says annoyed. "Sounds like our 45 president." I mumble. Wildcard snorts and slaps his hand on his mouth. "It's reads , 'We are from planet Ogima. Unfortunately we have no choice, but to repair for....take over. Please comply or else Earth will be destroyed. You have 3 hours.' I'm afraid hat was the entire message. There are no heroes left." The president says sadly. The TV shut out and we stayed silent for a few minutes.

The TV ran up again and Ms. Granada popes up. "Children," she says. Everyone jumps in shock. Making me let go of Wildcard's hand. "For your own safety we are going into full lockdown. Stay where you are and you'll be safe." She says and the TV slides up.

"They can't protect us from that! We just saw it." Noodles says. "You got a better idea?" Wildcard crosses his arms. "We should probably do what Ma Granada says..." Guppy looks down sadly. "The last look on my dad's face will haunt me forever." Facemaker says mimicking his dad's face. "Do you think our parents are ok?" Rewind say worried. "Uh, excuse me?" Missy says trying to get our attention. "What." Wildcard groans. "We need to leave...now." She stands up. "Didn't Ms Granada just say 'don't leave your seats'?" I stated, sitting back on my chair crossing my arms. "Because the aliens know what where we are, and they're coming for us." Missy explains. "How can you possibly know what." Wildcard scoffs.

Missy grabbed Ojo's tablet politely and shows us her drawings. "She draws what she sees, big deal." Wildcard rolls his eyes. "She drew these 5 minutes before they happened. Ojo's powers isn't that she can draw, she can draw the future." Missy explains proudly. "Ok cool. Good for Ojo. What's your point." Wildcard says unimpressed. "She also drew these aliens breaking into this room." Missy gives the tablet to Wheels. "Whoa..." Noodles say impressed. "She's right! All of these drawings suddenly makes perfect sense. Ojo can see the future." Wheels also says impressed. "Got to admit, the girl's smart." I say. "So some new girl shows up with no powers ,and suddenly we're gonna do what she says." Wildcard says ,frustrated with what's going on. "Seems like she's got a point." A Capella speaks for the first time in awhile. "Just a moment ago you said we aren't safe here." Missy points out. "We're safer in here than you running around outside playing, 'captain'." Wildcard gestures. "I just want to get out of here." Missy says. "So the whole speech you just said was for us to follow you just so you can get out of here?" I stand up from the chair. "If anyone wants to join me, you're free to follow." She says standing in the middle of the room. "Fine." Wildcard sighs. "We're getting out of here, but only because I say so." He walks to Missy.

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