Chapter 23

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Cass still sits on the crate her arms folded as she leans back against another crate. The dark night covers the sky and ship. Silence fills the air as Alexander appears near her leaning against the mast. She looks at him still a little visibly unhappy about the events that occurred earlier. " Hey." He finally says simply. She raises her eyebrows in response. "George said you were in a better mood. Perhaps he was wrong." Alexander states folding his arms smirking. She rolls her eyes before speaking " I'm not in a bad mood." She says sighing deeply. He nods slightly at her response. " You didn't come to dinner." He states. Her eyes look at his. " I wasn't hungry." She answers plainly. " You do know your doing exactly what he wants you to do." Alexander says. Her browns frown unhappily. " What?" She asks annoyance in her voice. " Benedict wants you to react. His words mean nothing, but you reacting to them gives them meaning to him." Alexander says seriously. She stands up quickly in annoyance. " Ive been dealing with him and his words from the moment I stepped onto this ship." She says defensively. He lifts his eyebrow. " Yes I know. That doesn't mean you have to give in now." He says sincerely. She doesn't respond. He sighs looking to the side then back up at her. " You shouldn't have to deal this. I know that and no I don't know what it's like to be in your position, I'm sorry." He adds. Her expression softs finally seeing his effort to help. She smiles slightly. She slowly takes a few steps towards him to him. Stopping a few inches in front of him. He tilts his head questioningly. " I appreciate your efforts to help Alexander." She says softly. " Remember his opinions don't matter, nor his words." Alexander assures with a soft smile. Cass nods in response looking down.

Then Mr Giles arrives at Alexander's side coming from around the corner. " Captain, we cleared the small cargo room like your orders said." He says. Alexander turns to him. " Thank you Mr Giles." Alexander responds as he is handed a small key, Mr Giles nods walking away. Cass looks at Alexander confused. " Why did you clear one of the rooms?" Cass asks interested. He looks her. " Well you'll need another place to stay for the rest of the trip." Alexander responds simply. She looks at him confused. " Why?" She asks. He looks at her with a bit of disappointment at her question.
" I've been trying to make this happen sense the moment you were... discovered, but it seems like something always got in the way." He adds still not answering her question. He then gestures for her to follow him. Making their way down the stairs, they reach the 2nd floor of the ship. Rooms are seen throughout the floor, most of them filled with many different supplies. She looks down thinking for a moment of his reasoning of her to move to another room. Finally after turning a corner they arrive at a door. Alexander uses the small key to unlock to door opening it to a smaller room. A small bed along with a little table near it are the only things filling the room. Alexander leans against the door frame as Cass enters the very plain room. " Well it's not exactly fit for a lady but we're not usually used to having them on board." Alexander says chuckling. Cass looks around scanning the room. " Where did the bed come from?" Cass answers interested. " We have a few extras in the cargo rooms, finally they'll be good for something." Alexander responds. She sits down on the bed slowly crossing her legs. " Thank you." She says softly. He smiles in response. He straightens his posture, rolling one of shoulders. He sighs beginning to leave. " You didn't want me around the other sailors." She states. He comes to a halt turning around. She lifts her eyebrow waiting for a response. " No, I didn't want sleeping in the same room as... them." Alexander answers folding his arms. " You mean Benedict?" She asks. He looks to the side of the room for moment. " Among other things yes." Alexander confirms.

Meanwhile Benedict leans against the bulwark spitting a piece of tobacco into the sea. His breath heavy as he stands in silence. His wounded pride eating away at him. He's been on the ship even before Alexander was born and the thought of Alexander ordering him off the ship kills him. " How dare he." He thinks to himself. Suddenly the familiar sound of Alexander's boots hitting the deck is heard. Benedict turns his head to see Alexander emerging from the cargo room. The moon casts minimum light as Alexander's eyes meet his. His expression turning as cold as Benedict's. Benedict looks at him with a sneer before turning away. His head hot with anger he grips a knife tucked into his belt. He cautiously looks around seeing the deck empty only with him and Alexander visible. He grits his teeth as a gust of cold air hits him as he turns himself to see Alexander now residing at the helm. His focus on a map, his guard down. Benedict quickly walks to him gripping his cold knife.  His pace slows as a grows closer to him. The sounds of his boots on the stairs can be faintly heard. Alexander's gaze still on the map tracing a line with his finger. Now a mere feet or two from Alexander, Benedict slowly pulls the knife from his belt the handle cold and hard. Holding it tightly as he descends closer. His breathing calm and quiet. " What is it Benedict?" Alexander suddenly says his voices raspy and choppy. Benedict stops as if the cold air freezes him. Alexander turns to him slowly obviously annoyed. Benedict's stance and knife are covered by the darkness. The only light coming from a lantern by Alexander's map and the dim moonlight. Part of Alexander's face is covered by a shadow but his expression of coldness still clear. Benedict clears his throat. " It was... nothing important." Benedict says uncomfortably. Alexander stills stands his arms folded waiting for Benedict to walk away from him. Benedict turns walking away putting his knife back into his belt his chance gone.
" I hope the girl feels more safer in her new room." Benedict mocks as he walks away.

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