Chapter 2

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Later that night Cass sits at the large dining room table across from her older sister Ruth. Next to Ruth is her mother sitting quietly, her dark grey hair in a tight bun just like Ruth's. Her mud brown eyes focus on her plate. At the front of the table is Cass' father. He slumps down staring at a large piece of paper. His hair is black with grey running throughout it. There is an awkward silence in the room except for the occasional cough or clanking of dishes.

" Father?" Cass asks quietly breaking the silence. His black eyes look up at her. " Yes?" He responds simply. She fiddles with her dress slightly before asking.
" Do you know when the Voyager is leaving?" Silence is the response she gets as he looks at her interested. " Tomorrow bright and early." He finally answers. Her eyes widen. " Tomorrow?!" Cass asks shocked.
" Do not raise you voice at the table." Her mother adds into the conversation before looking back down. Cass looks at her mother annoyed for a moment not responding.
" Yes tomorrow. The cargo is expected early." Her father clarifies. Cass looks back at him for a moment.
" Sense when are you so concerned about my cargo ships?" He asks folding his arms. Cass looks down.
" I don't know..." She answers quietly. Ruth stares at her suspiciously. As a minute of another wave of awkward silence passes. " May I be excused?" Cass asks breaking the quiet once again. Her mother and Ruth both stare at her for a moment in suspicion and confusion.
" You may." Her mother finally replies with a soft ton.

Cass stands, her chair scooting across the floor. Placing her napkin down on the table before walking away quickly up the stares to her room. She opens her door quickly but shuts it quietly. Her back hitting her now closed door. " Tomorrow? Really? Why on earth so soon?!" She says to herself frustrated at the situation.
" Can't he ju-" She's cut off by her Ruth attempting to enter unannounced. Cass looks around awkwardly before stepping away from the door, allowing Ruth to enter. " Ruth you can just come into rooms unannounced." Cass says annoyance in her voice. Ruth doesn't respond as she shuts the door behind her. " What is it?" Cass asks folding her arms. Ruth let's go of the door knob of the door and sits down onto Cass' chair. " What are you planning?" Ruth abruptly asks in an interrogating manner. " What?" Cass responds trying to hide to nervousness in her voice.
" Don't lie to me Cassandra." Ruth warns pointing her finger accusingly at Cass as if she was her mother. Cass shakes her head. " I'm not." Cass lies. Ruth squints her eyes. " Your not lying?" Ruth asks. " No." Cass responds. " Another lie." Cass' mind says to her. " Fine." Ruth states getting up quickly. " You don't believe me do you?" Cass asks with sadness in her voice. Ruth pauses with a sigh.
" Yes I believe you..." Ruth replies rolling her eyes.
" Goodnight. I'll see you in the morning." Ruth assures before exiting, shutting Cass' door softly.
" Goodnight." Cass responds as Ruth has already shut the door. She then closes her eyes breathing deeply. Her heart still pounding as she nervously thought to herself " Did she actually believe me? She must suspect something?" That night Cass laid awake, second guessing everything. She felt torn, lost, and in the dark alone. But most of all she was terrified of being caught by her father. He would never forgive her, Ruth would never believe her again and her mother would be a ashamed.

The next morning before the sun has risen. Cass lays in bed, her eyes bloodshot and wide from the lack of sleep. Her chest feels heavy as she sits up and quietly gets dressed. The smell of smoke in the air from the fireplace burning low. She puts on dark blue high waisted pants tightening them with her thin belt, along with a white loose shirt and her black boots. She stares at herself in her large rectangular mirror. Her skin is pale therefore making her pink lips stand out, her violet eyes shine as the light from a lantern in the room hits them, her eyes then look to her long curly brown hair. " Well that might be a problem." She thinks to herself as she stares at her hair. She quickly grabs a string from her bed side table tying her thick hair into a loose bun, her bangs loosely hang in her face covering her eyes some. With that she then covers her heavy bun with a large hat.
" Let's just hope that doesn't fall off." She thinks as she puts on her long brown jacket to hide her defined figure. " I just need to keep my head down. Nothing to it." She says looking at the finished outfit. Her baggy jacket covers her almost completely, giving her a very box like look. She straightens her posture trying to make herself seem taller then her 5'7 height. She stares at herself warily of herself.
" Will we succeed?" She asks herself taking a deep breath. A moment of uncertainty passes. Her eyes narrow as she stares at herself. " Yes, yes we will." She answers back with confidence. She then grabs her small bag, slowly making it out of her bedroom and down the stare case. With each step she takes a soft creak fills the house. She grips the railing tightly as she slowly descends down the stairs. She passes many of her paintings covering the walls. Finally making it to the door. She grabs the doorknob gently before turning back looking back up the stairs at Ruth's room. She closes her eyes debating for the last time.
" I'm sorry Ruth... But, I have to do this." She says to herself almost as if her sister stood in front of her. Before before exiting.

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