Chapter 31

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The days seemed to drift by slowly for Cass. As each day passed she became more nervous of the greeting awaiting her at her home. The ship remained quiet and the trip back was uneventful to say the least. A sense of sadness was in the air that only time could cure. Alexander seemed more distant towards her as they grew closer to home, with every day he spent less time with her. At times she felt alone without her friend George by her side. She wondered what life would be like for her when she came home. Would she ever see Alexander again? Would he even want to see her again? What would he father say? The questions plagued her thoughts. Finally the inevitable of her return came. Slowly she rose from her small bed and she felt sick to her stomach. Alexander had told her the night before that today would be the day they would arrive home. Sighing to herself before standing to her feet. She got dressed this time taking her time before opening her door walking up the short steps to the deck. Sunlight hit her as she arrived on deck. The air wasn't as cold as the days before and the wind wasn't as strong. Alexander leans against a large mast looking forward. " Hey." She states sweetly coming towards him. He responds nodding his head. His expression unexpressive and cold as he looks ahead. " What's wrong?" She asks confused by his expression. His eyes drift to hers as he folds his arms taking a deep breath. " Nothings wrong Cass." He says simply. She tilts her head questioningly. " We're home." He states gesturing forward. Her eyes widen turning her head to look ahead. Her chest feels heavy as she sees the docks of the village. The docks are empty and clear of any ships. " Where are the other ships?" She asks Alexander confused. " Looking for you." Alexander answers her as he stands up straight. Her brows frown. " Why? How do you know?" She asks. " Because your father wants you back, and because no one makes all their ships go out all at once." Alexander says shaking his head. Cass looks down. " I had no idea that he..." Cass begins. " What that he would do anything he could do to get you home? Your his daughter." Alexander states looking at her not understanding her words. " I just didn't know he cared so much." Cass states looking back at him. Silence falls for a moment as Alexander looks down pondering his words. " Perhaps you should tell him that." Alexander says squaring his shoulders.

" Prepare to dock." Alexander shouts abruptly. Mr Gilles voice is heard responding along with a few other men. Quickly the dock is only feet away as Alexander leaves her side to dock to ship. Cass backs away far from the bulwark out of sight of anyone looking towards the ship. Her back hitting the wall behind her. She jumps at the sound of the large ramp hitting the deck as it is let down. " Miss Cass I believe your home." Mr Gilles says jumping ruffly down from the helm landing in front of her. " Don't you want to see your family?" He asks confused by her not responding. Cass closes her eyes. " I afraid of what they may say." She admits. Mr Gilles chuckles. " I've known you long enough to know you aren't scared of anything. You can't let this get in the way." Mr Gilles states smiling. Cass opens her eyes looking at him. " Besides... You've been through worse." Alexander says coming down from the helm. Mr Gilles nods agreeing with his words. " Go on Cass." Alexander adds leaning down over the railing of the stairs leading to the deck, looking at her.

Warily she steps forward coming closer to the bulwark. Her hands shake as she places them on the bulwark. Cautiously looking down, one figure standing on the dock looking up. Immediately she meets the familiar eyes of Ruth. Ruth stares at her for a moment as if she's seen a stranger. But even from the distance away Cass can see the tears of the her sisters fall. A smile falls on Cass' face as she feels an overwhelming amount of relief and joy. " Cassandra!" Ruth shouts jumping up waving at her. Cass immediately runs to the ramp that leads to the dock passing Alexander who watches smiling slightly. The sounds of Cass quick steps on the ramp echo as she slightly stumbles do to her excitement. Finally reaching the dock Ruth meets her before she can another step. Ruth quickly throwing her arms around Cass holding her tightly. Cass laughs returning her tight hug. " Oh thank god... Your okay." Ruth states as she still hugs her. " Of course I am." Cass assures. Finally Ruth pulls away taking a deep breath. Ruth looks at her admiringly. " What?" Cass asks lifting her eyebrows. " You look so different." Ruth states smiling. " Is that... A good thing?" Cass asks smirking. Ruth chuckles. " Come on... Lets go home. Father will want to see you." Ruth says putting her arm around leading Cass away. Cass look behind her at the Siren looking up at the bulwark seeing Alexander looking down at her. Alexander watching her as she leave. " Bye." Cass mouths sadly to him. His expression softens as he smiles reassuringly at her watching her leave.

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