Where is Lewis Davis' office?

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Liz and Leslie (also Jenna) are in the elevator going up to talk to Lewis Davis to clear things up.
"I like your sweater, the button up underneath really makes it pop."
"Thank you Leslie. I like your shirt too."
"Blouse, it's a blouse. Not a shirt."
"Oops, sorry."
The elevator opens up Liz and Leslie walk up to the reception desk leaving Jenna to wander off.
"Hi, we are here to talk to the news anchorman. I think his name was Davis Lewis." Leslie nudges Liz and whispers, "no, it's Lewis Davis."
Liz corrects herself "I mean Lewis Davis."
"Oh yes, Mr. Davis' office is just that way, take a right four times, then you have to go through room 204 and exit out through the third door on the left. When you are out you take a left, keep walking for about 53 feet, you will have to break through a wall, just any wall will do. You will then be in his office."
Liz looks at Leslie with a nervous smile, Leslie looks back with a straight face but with determination.
"Okay, thank you Miss." Leslie says.
They walk off and Liz says "ummm what do we do?"
Leslie replies with "just keep walking."
They walk off and Liz pulls Leslie into a random room. "Okay, we need a plan because whatever that lady just said was nonsense." Liz proclaims.   
Someone coughs and Liz and Leslie turn around. They are in the middle of a meeting. "Oh, gosh I am so sorry. We will leave right now." Liz says.
The man shakes his head in disappointment.
They leave and walk off until they find a corner to talk in.
"Leslie, what are we going to do?" Liz panics. "There is no way we are going to find his office!"
Leslie seems surprisingly calm for this situation. Meanwhile Liz has pulled a ziplock bag out of her purse, took to sandwich out and eaten it very fast,—perhaps too fast—then inhaled and exhaled through the bag.
"Doesn't work as good as the paper bags." Liz says.
Leslie smiles awkwardly.
"Liz, don't worry. We will find his office somehow."
Liz's phone rings.
"Oh, it's Jenna."
"Liz, I'm in someone's office and he's kinda cute. You should come!"
"Jenna, whose office are you in?" Liz asks.
"Um, his name is Lewis Davis."
"Really?" Liz asks.
"Um, yeah. Why? Are you having an affair with him and don't want me to know?"
"No, Jenna. I'm not having an affair with Lewis Davis. I barely even know who he is. You need to find us so we can talk with him. The only problem is we don't really know where we are."
"Don't worry guys, I'll find you."
Jenna hangs up before Liz can talk.
"So I guess Jenna is in Lewis' office right now. I guess she's going to come find us and bring us to h-
"Hi guys." Jenna says.
"Jenna! You found us!" Leslie yells.
"You're my hero."
"Okay!" Says Jenna.
They both follow Jenna.

Liz Lemon-Tina Fey
Leslie Knope-Amy Poehler
Jenna Maroney-Jane Krakowski

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