Leslie has waffles

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Leslie is at Liz's work and has been preparing for two hours. She has cards to read and even a little dance number planned. "Hey Liz, I'm here to go clear things up."
"Oh, Leslie, you are already here. You are very early."
"I like to be early."
Liz looks at her watch. "Like two hours early."
Leslie smiles and looks around.
"Well I have to finish work so you can just hang around for a while."
"I figured this would happen so I brought some waffles. I'll eat them in your office. Leslie grabs the waffles out of her bag and walks off to Liz's office.
Liz whispers to herself, "How does she know where my office is."

Liz Lemon-Tina Fey
Leslie Knope-Amy Poehler

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